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Posts posted by Dyson

  1. It looks so American :scared: The buildings, the textures, the cars....

    Road signs? Can I have your permission to include these in the future US theme objects pack along side bama's work?

    Also, there appear to be new delivery trucks in there too. Could I use these in my car pack. Perhaps give them blank skins and package them as a replacement for default trucks?


    Haha thanks, wanted the city to feel alive and kicking, small details such as objects and vehicles (thanks to your pack) have made a huge difference) upon release everything in the game is free to use with credit as always :)


    awesome i noticed the it looks like an MCU sitting at the hospital i like the model


    Yep that's the FDNY MERV unit, operates as an MCU, has a nice installation animation which looks great in game, forgot I'd included that in the photos was supposed to be a secret still haha


    Looks amazing. You guy's have taken the mods to a whole new level and I just am blown away at your detail and abilities. I can't say enough about your mod skills. Just awesome.


    Thanks, the devil definitely is in the detail, whilst we're still far off the script capabilities of Hoppah's NYC mod we feel we can substitute this for a real NYC feel. With a real atmosphere and a city that feels right, instead of just being thrown together there's clear set out areas, with some rough areas and some nicer areas. You can drive across town and feel like you're actually going through the areas of Brooklyn we've tried our best to emulate.

  2. As much as I prefer to stay quiet and leave most things to be a surprise upon release, I feel most people feel this project has been abandoned due to Emergenyc being announced (check us out and help the cause if you can!). So I decided it was time to break our silence and show off a little work, while we wont be showing any of the number of new vehicles added, or the new scripts, I am happy to take a stroll round Brooklyn if you'd like to come on a trip, so lets have a look around your response area...



    (Sorry for external links, saves me reuploading 33 images)



  3. I'm New to adding parking spaces/Making them This is what I want to do:


    1,use a Station lets say Fire station 2 or 3 and have it staffed with some ambulances... what do i need to do step by step?


    2,I dont care about making the gates move up and down at this point just want to have 2 ambulances lets say staffed from the start


    Thanks for all your help guys really appreciated.


    There's two steps to adding a new vehicle into the FS commands.


    1. Spawning on start up

    First you'll need to open up the FS start script, there'll be a section of code that dictates where a unit will spawn I'll explain what each bit means. You'll want to add a new section of this code between existing units spawning or at the end of the spawn list.

    		ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VIRTUAL PARKING SPACE HERE);		for(int i=0; i < l1.GetNumActors(); i++)		{			Vector Pos = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();			Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(VEHICLE PROTO, UNNAMED);			m.PushActionRotateTarget(ACTION_NEWLIST, &m, 0, DIRECTION (0,45,90,180 etc), 0, 0.1f);			m.EnableBlueLights(false);                        m.SetPosition(Pos);                        m.UpdatePlacement();			m.SetMaxPassengers(2);			m.SetMaxTransports(0);			m.SetSpeed(12.0f);			m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 1.f);			m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VcmdStartStaffing", &m, TYPE OF STAFFING, false);	//0 = bat chiefs staffing, 1 = engines staffing, 2 = usar staffing upon start	(NOT SURE IF THESE STAFFING IDS ARE THE SAME AS LA)

    This will now spawn the vehicle on start up on your VO in the direction you wish and with the load out you require.


    2. Return to station

    For this you need to edit these lines of the Return to station command (which is just as simple)

    		else if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), VEHICLE PROTO) == 0)		{ 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VIRTUAL PARKING OBJECT, l3, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l3.GetNumObjects() > 0) //IF THERE'S ALREADY A UNIT PARKED			{				Mission::PlayHint(HINT_NOSPACE);				v.PushActionReturnToBase(ACTION_NEWLIST);				return;			} else			{				l1 = Game::GetActors(VO UNIT WILL TURN TO);				l2 = Game::GetActors(VO UNIT WILL PARK ON);			}		}

    Now this doesn't include setting up gates etc as I've taken these codes from my personal edits of the FS script which has removed the LA gate system, but hopefully it gives you an idea of what each line means and what to edit. Also don't forget to add and new VOs or vehicles to the constant characters list at the top.


    Hope it helps and sorry if I've missed anything



  4. Why? They should add useless shit like a skybox to EM5 just so you can take prettier pictures from angles you never use in the real game? This game aint a FPS.


    You've never played an RTS where you drop into the action and there's a sky box? I know it was one of my favourite features in Company of Heroes, Dawn of War and other Relic games. I'd love to see the game made truly 3D rather than looking weird at a low level like it does currently, dropping down to street level like in the game I mentioned would allow the player to get into the city rather than just operate above it. But that's just my opinion, I wouldn't say a skybox/street view cam is a bad thing for sure.


    Gives a fresh perspective on the RTS genre - 


  5. I may be in the minority, but I'd like to see the updates and optimization on the Manhattan mod before or at least at the same time as Brooklyn. I just got a new PC with a decent graphics set up, but I am gettting terrible FPS on this mod. I would love to see the tall buildings go to a ghost pattern rather than the current set up. It's just too hard to try to see into th ground floor of the high rise buildings....also the firehouses shouldn't be at the very end of the map. Moving them in a block would make life easier.....and keep the buildings in front of them to 1 or 2 stories or ghost them please......

    It's probably asking a lot, but I'd like 2 seperate but equal mods. Just different maps. I'm psyched for Brooklyn. But I think that Manhattan needs to be brought up to speed before you guys move on. Just my opinion.....

    Every version is a gradual improvement from the last, v3 was stable and involved good gameplay so we decided to freshen up whilst we were ahead the optimisation is just another example of how we progress version by version. We will return to this mod rather than just refuse to look forward :)

    Also the cam hack is coded into the Brooklyn mod which is another element that will be transferred to future versions of this mod , which wil reduce the high rise issues for players who haven't downloaded it themselves.

    Anyway yeah of course this will be updated but after we've finished working on the latest version which happens to be Brooklyn :)

  6. A news update



    *NYCERU Represented by Dyson and SLUM by EMC-Unit


    But the mod is back in  full progress, after the release of the BoF mod (my main project) this will be back to my main focus. Until then check out our new facebook page



    Thanks for patience with this update, but I really think you'll enjoy what's been done to this mod since the released alpha.



  7. Dear Mr Scott,

    we are deeply sorry that you had to wait so long for a response.

    You are of course allowed to make videos of EMERGENCY 4 or any other released EMERGENCY title.

    However if you want to make a video of a modification, you have to ask the author of said modification for the permission.

    Best regards,

    Sixteen Tons Entertainment

    Von: Daniel scott [mailto:extremedaniel1996@gmail.com]

    Gesendet: Montag, 31. März 2014 16:44

    An: support@sixteen-tons.de

    Betreff: Youtube gameplay video permissions

    Hello I was wandering if I could gain your permissions to make emergency 4 mod vidoes?


    Awesome thanks will be sending this as evidence on all my unmonitized vids :)

  8. A general response to Mikey and NFK, I agree it will not stop the rule breaking! With out a doubt, but it may cut down SOME. If it cuts down SOME then perhaps that evens out the supposed increase work load. My suggestion was based around the idea that the Mods[COMPLETE] forum would be restricted so no one can start threads there. Only once a working version is released will a staff move it. If that is to much work load, hire(so to speak) some one who is very active on the forum. Give them limited mod powers of moving threads only. Even some of the less mature members here could surely handle such a task.


    Just because it did not work before, does not mean it will fail this time. Those of us who have been around a few years know how much the member base has changed over the years. Modders and members come and go bringing new dynamics to the forum.


    Again +1

  9. Well, I only have to finish wrecking about a dozen twenty cars or so. I think I can sneak a wrecked fire truck in that.


    More than likely gonna be an ambulance due to the rarity of trucks being involved, but yeah only if you have time fella, don't wanna get in the way of your awesome work :)

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