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Posts posted by salvador.c

  1. Welcome to my contest topic! :welcome:

    Rules (For this month):

    1-The fire Station can only have space for 1 Engine and 1 tower ladder.

    2-Should have a exit for the road incluid in the project.

    3-can`t have any tipe of vheicle or person (incluides fire vheicles) in the project because it will cause injustice for some projects.

    4-The project should be 100% in english.

    5-you can use some litle objects from other people.

    6-You can make more than one project.

    7-The contest finish in 30 of march. (Then the people can start voting).

    You can send me any sujestion or a rule for personal menssage.

    Good luck! :holdglass:

    Thanks Salvador.c

  2. I have Sketchup and I can't even make a fire station! First of all, how do you copy/paste or duplicate stuff? Like I tried to make something even, but I can't so I was wondering if there was a way to duplicate it. Very cool buildings and cars though, I like! :cheers:

    If you want to duplicate a model...

    One way is Upload you model and then download it 2 times and you have it duplicate!

  3. 5 estrelas consegue por isto para download?

    Há uma equipe que esta a criar um mod portugues se puder dar.lhe uma maozinha.:D emergency.pt.vu

    5 stars can I download it?

    There is a team creating portuguese mod if someone wants to help.emergency.pt.vu

    sorry my bad english


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