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Posts posted by salvador.c

  1. I think to edit speeds and such its either in the editor or a script. Not sure, the editor and scripts arnt my expertise

    Thank you

    In two days I will be on Vacations what means 1 weak whitout work on the mod.

    but I al glad to say that the mod is great!

    2 moths ago I thought waht I am doing right now it`s Impossible to do!

    But It is possible and The persson who is doing it its me! :onceldoc:

  2. new fan banners:







  3. Oh, I know that. It happens for me too, just click on "Modifications" and choose "LA Mod" every time it happens. And I just can't wait for your mod to come out :D

    And how do you solve the problem?

    I hope you understand I was talking about the LA Missions dont apear after I chose la mod! :machkaputt:

  4. The mod now is going well I have modified some LA missions to be secret service missions.

    The LA mission 08 (VIP Escort)

    20 Secret service agents.

    4 armored vheicles.

    1 Unmarked crown vic.

    1 Marked SUV.

    I have changed the convoy course. (at the moment only part of the course is woking)

    New Terrorist spot. (now they are less but they fire must faster)

    the traffic is already benn stoped by the police.

    other missions:

    Some of them are already finishd...

    I will post some pictures of them as soon as possible. :schreiben:

    I am realy happy because today I can FINALY solve some probles whit the Missions.

    Bad new: I have Very important Exames in the next week so now I have to study for 7 days.

    But I came here to post the photos and respond to yours questions. :rolleyes:

  5. Well, if you want, always is glad seeing new and realistic things.

    About the skins, what do you need to skin?

    The skins are

    lapd swat officer to a secret service agent whith tactical uniform.

    lapd swat sniper to a secret service sniper.

    lapd bomb squad suv to a marked secret service suv.

    lapd harbor police to marked secret service crown vic.

    Secret Service uniformed Division Agent.

    And I need a model and skin of the Marine one.

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