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Posts posted by askjeeves

  1. Goog and CFD, WOW! You guys are doing phenomenal work on these projects, I always look forward to everything you guys put together, and generally it's worth the wait. I'm going to play with the lights that you guys gave us now, and then see what you update tomorrow. Thanks for hard work guys, it definetly makes the gameplay more enjoyable. Between your update and Hoppah's base work, LA Mod is definetly the way to go these days.

  2. I personally like the turnout pants and helmet. I know in toronto, most of the firefighters walk into medical's wearing their pants and carrying gear. Occasionally they'll also have their jackets on and unless it's a specific scene call, they won't be wearing helmets. As for the ladder responding to medical calls, if it's the nearest available unit to the call, they'll go. It is more common to see rescues and pumpers, but you'll occassionally get the ladder or the squads (even hazmat has been known to go and play). Just my two cents

  3. The two biggest ambulance manufacturers in Canada are Crestline and Demer's. Based on the pictures I've seen, the older BCAS units are Crestlines, and the newer ones are manufactured by Demers. This seems to be a trend that I'm seeing in Ontario, more and more services who used Crestline are moving towards Demers. One of the easiest ways to tell the difference, seems to be how the box looks. The boxes on Crestlines tend to have rounded corners and edges and the Demers seem to be more of a box, regardless of what model or service uses them.

  4. The one I downloaded had 3 png files,vehicle model file,tire model file,4 doors,trunk and a hood.I renamed the trunk and hood as door05 and door06.Put all in your model/vehicle/police then load editor and link the prototypes and you should have what I got.

    The wheel in this package is screwed up, so I used one of my wheels.

    If your having trouble still pm me and I'll send you what I got.

    I think I have it working now, will let you know if that changes though. I really seem to be challenged these days though, because I can't seem to get the banner to work as my signature. So I support you guys, and when I get it to work, it will be up there.

  5. It does depend on whether or not LAPD buys them, if you want to keep it realistic. However it is my understanding that it is going into production, because Ford has canned the entire Crown Vic lineup, including the mercury grand marquis. At the EAA airshow back in august, Ford had a booth there, with a working version of the interceptor and the interceptor utility

  6. Realistically Vets most detectives, when in plane clothes, drive unmarked cruisers. They're not out doing regular policing, so they don't want the public to see them everywhere they go. Also if they're on stakeout somewhere, you wouldn't want people to notice your cruiser sitting there. I say just work on the detective and worry about cruisers later.

    Cyberdog, I do have a suggestion about the detective, for further down the road, when you're happy with the way the skins are. You know how all of the regular cops can be switched for officers with traffic vests, what about giving the detective a raid jacket? The blue nylon ones that say Police across the back, and down the arms and such. It's just a thought, but I'm more interested in seeing your completed normal detective first, rather than worrying about extras.

  7. Lol, we will welcome Squamishfire with open arms. Don't even joke about the Leafs, we just pretend they don't exist these days, it's easier than suffering the embarassment of having such a terrible team. And just as a bit of interstesting trivia, we have been losing Stanley cups, longer than the Canuks have been an NHL team.

    On topic, you guys have got to stop making new trucks, this is just getting nuts with the work you're doing. :D Everyday I log on and there is another amazing new truck, new lights, new skins everything. I am really impressed with everything you guys have made so far and truly look forward to playing with them when they're released. This is encouraging me to go out and make some skins of my own, maybe swap some rotating light bars for nice new shiny LED ones, who knows.

    Cheers Goog and CFB, here's to all your hard work.

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