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Everything posted by TacticalRooster22

  1. Oh. Why don't you just download 2.0. It's much better, and there are MORE submods for it. What submod do you want to download anyway?
  2. As far as I know, the fire trucks don't even have LEDs! I thought they still have the rotoray bars...
  3. Well then, how do you attach thumbnails? (Still kinda new here!)
  4. Random... but funny! LOLZ! Complaint-Have to do a research paper for lit, due monday.
  5. People need to take care of their lawn if they don't want their house to burn down! LOL!
  6. That also means that you can't save games. It has something to do with the mission thing.
  7. Bummer. Anyway, can't wait to see the other.
  8. The image is big, how do you resize it in your post?
  9. Don't worry! I just got mine on a few weeks ago and it only hurts for about 3-5 days. You'll get used to it, trust me! My friend has a pallidal expander and he talked like that for a little while. You'll ne fine in a little while!
  10. It's this one The command center How do you resize images?
  11. You should download fraps and print a screenshot.
  12. You love to hug don't you! Anyway, (for me! ) By the way, I heard some talk about new KME engines. Will they be put in game?
  13. I labled all my emergency vehicles. Do you have the Command Center too? I also have the discontinued hospital!
  14. I was in school and I heard the fire truck and ambulance out for a call. I bet it was probably just a medical. One time, a car flipped over right by my school. Since my mom is the Kindergarden teacher, we were the only people that were early.
  15. Have you seen the Hurt Locker? Cool movie!
  16. I live in a nice town and I go to a catholic school. All the boys and girls in my class hang out together and everyone's nice. My principle is Luke Harangody's mom. She's cool. My life is good, but I can't wait to see what the future brings. The fire cheif here already wants me on the department! Can't wait! PS-The screen on that laptop is tiny!
  17. The riot truck is very cool and I see you have the Airport Fire Truck. O have that, but I put a watercannon in the roof, added LEDs, and made a hosebed in the back. My guy drives it. I label my trucks with a label maker and I call it Engine 26 (It's my favorite number) It's first due to all calls around the city. Station 2 (the 2 bay red one) responds second due. If I really need backup, I'll call my brother's volunteer station. I'll show pics if I can.
  18. Do you have the 1930 Fire Station?
  19. Yeah I know. It's great to be young.
  20. Man that mod looks cool! I think the world was supposed to end then...
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