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Everything posted by helljumper51

  1. As is mine. I have been doing this in my spare time. hopefully I can either learn to modify some scripts or my friend can help me change it up a bit. I would like to be able at some point make it so that there is a dispatcher and the only way to have the units respond is by using the dispatcher.
  2. It was actually good. It mixed TV drama and firefighting. Not like the stupid show rescue me on tv now a days. This show was on in the early 70s.
  3. since almost all of the vehicles use gubdrop lights, its not too difficult. but I am not very good at it lol.
  4. Emergency! Submod Any help would be appreciated. I really just need people who can do lights and the editor. Anyone who can edit LA Mod scripts would be helpful too. My Backround I am a long time member on the EM-Planet forums. I joined a few years ago(been too long for me to remember...yes I know its in my profile, shut-up) and I have been a side modder since then. I did a few years ago try to create a mod for the Emergency! TV Show, but I did not have the skills in scripting and map making, and my modeling skills were sub par. now after a few years of practice, and working on several mod teams(including LA Mod, NY Submod, Xplorer4x4's Mods, and a few others) I have refined my skills as a modeler and learned a few things about scripting. Right now I am an Officer in the US Navy and I do this on my spare time. Why a Submod? Some of you may be asking, "Why a Submod?". well that is quite simple. Because almost everything I want my mod to do(script wise) has been done in the LA Mod. Why make more work for myself if someone else has already done it(and definitely did a better job than i could). Since this is pretty much just a model rehaul, then it makes my job alot easier. Mod Details So after reading for a few minutes you are getting board. You want me to get to the meat of the mod and tell you what this will entail. I am on a horse...but I digress. This Mod;s mission statement(ultimate goal) is: To create a modification to the LA Mod to incorporate as many vehicles, stations, and to create as authentic an environment from the TV series Emergency! as possible. Here is what I want to have: Implementation Stage Station 51(replaces FS2): Station 51 Firefighter reskin Ward Lafrance Engine 51(model done) Dodge Squad 51(ingame) Station 10(replaces FS1): Station 10 firefighter reskin Engine 10-1(In-game) Engine 10-2(In-game) Battalion 10(Model in progress) Ladder 10(model done) Squad 10(ingame) Station 110(New Station): Station 110 firefighter reskin Ladder 110(In progess) Engine 110(ingame) Concept Stage: Rampart General(replaces Hospital) Mayfair Ambulance 1(box ambulance) Ambulance 2(Vintage ambulance) Ambulance Personnel Sheriffs Station: Patrol 1 Transport 1 Sheriff Personnel LA City Police Patrol 1 Patrol 2 Police Personnel Drugbox(replaces med bag) Biophone(this will be the only way to call an ambulance from off screen) **Note: This is a rolling criteria.This can change at any time. I can either add or subtract. Suggestions are welcome So without further ado, I know that everyone loves screenshots, here is an ingame shot I have of Squad 110(I may update the model), and Engine 110: UPDATES March 17th: -Working on LA Engine 51 and Squad 51 Models. -Have scripts for 3 fire stations -Engine 110 and Squad 110 are Skinned and ingame March 12th: Best Regards, Me
  5. what vehicles need to be UV Mapped? I can UV Map the one I made and send it to you.
  6. ha ha and considering you guys have made many milestones for this game, I would say you know what you are doing. I have a feeling people will try to make alot of submods off your mod. People just need to chill and stop getting worked up over the small things. Crack open a beer and relax everyone
  7. I have a model of an older FDNY rig, you interested? it is not UV Mapped, but it is ready to be.
  8. did you unlock the files? change the extension to .v30. and open the editor. then load the mod and click unlock. choose the texture files to unlock. it should work then.
  9. Ha Ha maybe YOU dont kill all the rioters........ but my trigger finger gets real itchy when I hear their chanting..... >
  10. UV mapping in 3ds is really nice to use IF you know how to use it. otherwise its a pain in the ass lol. Also one time when I exported to zmodeler to export as a v3o model, the texture didnt show up. so I had to retexture. I find it is just easier to do it in zmodeler.
  11. Hey nice model so far, but I see you are using 3ds Max. I would not recommend making half of the model and then mirroring it. It is a very lazy and half ass(pardon my langauge) way of doing it. you add way more polys than needed, and it makes UV Mapping harder than it should be. Take the time and do the entire thing. you will use less polys, which you can than take advantage of and add more details. The game doesnt like anything over around 5000 polys. Then you can make something like this: http://s52.photobucket.com/albums/g19/helljumper51/?action=view&current=dsasa.png which is easier to UV Map and works well ingame.
  12. Ha Ha wow there cowboy. try retyping your request using punctuation. honestly I cannot figure out what you are trying to do.
  13. My suggestion? start with a submod. Use a mod that already has what you are looking for(LA Mod has stations, new maps, etc) and build off of it. start with something simple like making a new model and replace it with one ingame. then make it a place at the station...so on and so forth. Also a big tip, I would keep it under wraps at first until you KNOW you will have a finished product. one thing I learned(from experience) is that if you say you will make a mod, and find yourself busy, then have to scrap it...people wont get upset.
  14. honestly you are more likely to make your own model than anything else. but what you could do is this: 1. Download this lightbar pack. 2. add them ingame as children 3. put them on a police car that does not have one. in the LA mod I know there are a few. 4. Then save it. and rename it as the police car you want to change to(dont forget to rename and change the prototype file as well!)
  15. I use 3ds Max. Personally I like the user friendliness of it. also, unless you are really good at zmodeler(I am not) 3ds and sketchup are your best bet for detailed models.
  16. ha ha well guy, good luck on the mod first of all....and second, it is easier to find a modeler here if you PM them. Most of us do it for enjoyment and not for money. or try and learn yourself! making models is one of the hardest part of modding. scripting is hard as well, but if you dont have any models, then your not going anywhere. Cheers! -Smith
  17. also, these gentlemen have accomplished many things and promise many things we ave not seen before. I honestly expect an entire new game with a new experience. I will gladly wait for all the bugs to be worked out and possibly more innovations,
  18. nah I dont really do alot of patrol cars. ha ha pain in the butt. but I will soon. Right now I am working on an experimental model. I am building an american engine from the ground up :http://home.epix.net/~tritonfd/7.jpg . and the difference is that I am going to fully model the cab and a driver, an officer, and two firemen in the back. I will put it ingame to see if it will actually work. it might be too detailed...but we will see!
  19. NOTE: none of these are the finished models as to keep the integrity of the final product for the mod leaders to release to the public.
  20. Hey all. Someone PM'd me asking to see all of the model I have. Some of you may know about my work with smaller mods and my Emergency! Mod(On Hold). I have worked on NY Submod, Xplorer's Mods, Small Town Mod, LA Mod, and a few others. So if anyone even cares, here are some of my models: Engine 6: Quint 7: Squad 51, Engine 110 ingame: Engine 7: Engine 110: Rescue 5: Engine 7-2: Engine 235 Ingame: Ambulance 12: Engine 51, Squad 51: Engine 51, Squad 51, Station 51: Engine 6(FDNY): As you can see, I am an officer in the US Navy. and I do modeling on the side. So the reason why I may or may not help people with their models is becuase I can get kinda busy. But I still take requests. I wont join a mod team, because I would rather help out a little, but not carry the mod. I try to help out the people who dont have a modeler(or who needs a higher detailed model). Well hope you enjoyed. Also these are not all of my models, just my EM4 models. Regards, Eric
  21. I dont know about dyson, but as a mod(or submod/whatever) creator I would not want to be pestered for several posts about "maybe you should release the new version" or " maybe you should not work on models and work on...blah blah blah" it is dyson's mod. they didnt even have to release it to the general public. We all know this is holding us over until the NY Mod comes out, so lets be grateful instead of just being annoying. It is dysons project, and dyson decides what gets released when and with what content. Not the players who didnt do any of the work.
  22. well since none of these yahoos' said it I will, Welcome to the forums customshirts! I am doing some of the modeling for Dyson(models havent been shown to the public yet) and I wanted to know if I could use you as a source for some of the other models. so I can get the apparatus right.
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