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Everything posted by engine30

  1. A deal that involves whats? and the screen shot looks great What realism is being added?
  2. If its almost here can we get some screens, a video ...Something please tease me, I said Tease me
  3. idk Dyson, you and your team are goin to be great first NY Mod but being legends on the forums is even better First NY mod with water supply What!!!, that would make Legends...Everybody goin to remember Hoppah dont you want to be remember. hahaha Jk your goin to be great Kid Keep up the good work Bro
  4. so with bomber doing the scripts, will water supply be added in the future
  5. Nice....I'm glad that its getting closer
  6. if not a fictional town....Do Hudson, Ny....Its a nice small city
  7. With Bomber on the team now are you goin to be putting in some stuff that he was working on before he stopped
  8. hahaha yeah but hey it was worth a shot lol
  9. are there any new units or scripts you guys are working on
  10. Some of the firehouses should be one bay stations like that
  11. Thats a real cool feature...With that are you planning on making volunteer fire houses?
  12. Nice I figured yall would do some good work...Bomber is the man at scripting, Deff keep up the good work guys
  13. With B2Bomber scripting now, are you planning new things that wasnt possible before...He's pretty good I think. I seen some of his work before and he is amazing at it
  14. So I'm taking since no one has answer my question about Unlimited or limited water supply.....I take it as its not goin to change and just stay at Unlimited?
  15. Will you guys be add limited water supply or just going to stick with unlimited
  16. would you like to do some reskins from my city
  17. well I tried to do it but its not working so idk....i go into the editer to check it out and its a blank fire engine
  18. Ok all i need now is how do i get the reskinned model into the game
  19. is there away to take off the LA skin or way to paste a skin or do you have to do it by hand
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