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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2021 in Posts

  1. Hi everyone! I am a EM4 Lover from China, you can call me Syameimaruko or Aya. I am now starting a new small mod based on piecki mod. I have been playing EM4 since 2018, and played about 50 mods. Range from LA mod to Bieberfelde mod, but I have never played a Japan mod. So I decide to make one. Because of the language gap and network speed(mainly), I will be absent from time to time. And I will post some progress on the website in China such as Bilibili or Baidu Tieba. Here are the first screenshots: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some concepts of this mod, I will be happy if you like it. If you have any ideas or request, I will be happy to listen and accept them.
    1 point
  2. Nowhere to be found. All work on my end. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here's a patch 2.2.1 - it is fixing only Multiplayer: - Fixed persons control bug in MP; - Fixed CTD on the stuff command on Unmarked Dodge Charger in MP; - Fixed parking space in MP; Download: https://mega.nz/file/i14FWCqb#EqixUX-PLRU4N3v-r8J7MnaoqF7T5o5RDbY8vbMMvHM
    1 point
  3. An LAPD 2020 Ford Interceptor Utility fresh off Goog's assembly line waiting for you.
    1 point
  4. Do you know when it will be out to the public
    -1 points
  5. -1 points
  6. I'm probably gonna get in trouble for asking this question, but I am just curious is this mod currently on hold, or are you guys still doing some changes and upgrades to it? Haven't heard from you guys in a while. I'm guessing you guys are busy with your own personal lives. ....Not asking for a release date. Just the progress thats taking place. Hope you Goog and CFD are doing well.
    -4 points
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