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Guest playoff2008

Make Nashville TN Mod

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Guest playoff2008

Ok I if I make my own new map to the LA mod game how can I make stuff happen like add new mod be call Nashville TN Mod like house fire car crash an how can have unit color change put Nashville the city like a demo mod so anyone try out before the act full game be work!

Any software tool how make map an how make a new version to New map!


I love play the new LA mod 1.9V with new unit an new sound .

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If you want to reskin the LA Mod vehicles then read this. I would use paint.NET if you want to reskin a vehicle because it can open .dds files.

If you just reskin Hoppah's vehicles then you wouldn't be able to release your changes.

I'm not quite sure what you need to make a new map though.

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Guest playoff2008

I want make my own map like NYC Mod an other USA mod be cool make a Nashville TN Mod no one make a Nashville TN mod to LA mod to play new game in new map b/c everyone else is an want see what be make my own mod I work night shfit walmart an used up all day and I can also have time work on it on my off week !

Ok how used Painr.net reskin a vehicle when I open .dds files an how can used it to LA Mod!


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I have family from Nashville, TN. Which isn't that far of a drive since I live in Knoxville, TN.

With that said, as much as I'd like to see your mod, I don't see it happening.

Mainly because I don't think you understand everything your going to have to put into it. If you re-skin Hoppah's models (as others have said) then it will become a private mod (your use only). If you intend on making your own units (which Nashville does have) then your going to need someone with z-modeling knowledge.

So, all in all, good luck. You might need it :)

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Late couple of years we've flown down (actually up since I'm from Texas) to Nashville for an anime con... I don't remember seeing any of the emergency vehicles ever... Well... other than the actual cops in uniform. o.O Oh and paramedics when some dumb girl had an OD-Alcohol Poison session... But still... no vehicles...

However on the topic of a mod... You're lack of being able to figure out things by search the forum does not lead to much hope in anything coming to fruition of these dreams. Read, experiment, break things and eventually you'll learn how to do stuff... But asking how to make a whole mod is about like asking how engage in surgery from a back alley clinic.

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