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Script problem (Instant CTD)

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I've recently been working on some sort of german-style dispatch system 

The alarm script is basically a system in which you select a person with a script for each vehicle. It plays an alarm sound, spawns the personnel on the specified VO and sends them to their vehicle (which has a custom name specified in the properties editor), after that, the vehicle turns on its lights and goes to the location that the player selected.

The scripts are added via-freeplayscript, in which the dispatcher also has a custom name. You add the scripts that you'd like the dispatcher to have and also the group that it belongs to (1,2,3,4,etc.), after that, you're all set. for a private project and I've crossed into a problem:

  • Whenever the dispatcher has more than 1 alarm-script on the commands section, it crashes right when I click the unit.
  • If the dispatcher only has 1 alarm script it works fine.

I also took a look into the logfile and the only thing that looks abnormal is the classic: !WARNING: global listener object is still registered! Unregister listener before destroying object! 


Two alarm scripts and part of the fp_freeplay script (the dispatcher group and script assignments) are below:



//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Script de alarme de viaturas	   								                                        //// ************************************************							                            ////													                                                    ////	1.0| AlarmVIATURA X										                                            ////													                                                    //// _____________________										                                        //// original por a-rescue. Editado por Ghost Graphic Designs                                  		    //// Edições não permitidas sem autorização									                            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////const char IMG_ICON[]           = "absc33";  // Name des Iconsconst char IMG_CURSOR[]         = "sendto";  // Name des Cursorsconst char COMMANDABLE_TRUE[]   = "DUMMYSetCommandableTrue";const char COMMANDABLE_FALSE[]  = "DUMMYSetCommandableFalse";const char FREEFORALERT_TRUE[]  = "DUMMYFPSetFreeForAlertTrue";const char FREEFORALERT_FALSE[] = "DUMMYFPSetFreeForAlertFalse";const char FREEFORALERT[]       = "DUMMYFPIsFreeForAlert";const char INBASE_TRUE[]        = "DUMMYFPSetInBaseTrue";const char INBASE_FALSE[]       = "DUMMYFPSetInBaseFalse";const char INBASE[]             = "DUMMYFPIsInBase";// 1.0object AlarmABSC03 : CommandScript  // Name des Commands{	AlarmABSC03()               // Name des Commands	{		SetIcon(IMG_ICON);		SetCursor(IMG_CURSOR);		SetValidTargets(ACTOR_FLOOR | ACTOR_STREET);	}		bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		GameObjectList ol;		GameObject *o;		ol = Game::GetGameObjects("ABSC03"); //Name des zu alarmierenden Fahrzeuges		o = *ol.GetObject(0);		Vehicle v(o);		if (!v.HasCommand(FREEFORALERT))			return false;					return true;	}		bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (Caller->GetID() == Target->GetID())			return false;					return true;	}		void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		GameObjectList ol;		GameObject *o;		ActorList al;		Actor spawnpoint;		Vector spawnpos;		float rot[9];		float childRot[9];		Vector tpos;		PersonList pl;        Person p;            ActorList al;		Actor spawnpoint;		Vector spawnpos;		ol = Game::GetGameObjects("ABSC03");  //Name des zu alarmierenden Fahrzeuges		o = *ol.GetObject(0);		Vehicle v(o);		if (v.IsDestroyed())		{			Mission::PlayHint("A viatura está inoperacional e não está disponível de momento.");			return;		}		if (!v.HasCommand(FREEFORALERT))		{			Mission::PlayHint("Veículo está ocupado numa ocorrência.");			return;		}		else		{			Mission::PlayHint("Saída da ABSC 03!");   //Alarmmeldung die angezeigt werden soll			Audio::PlaySample("mod:Audio/FX/sinos.wav");  //Pfad zum Alarmsound der abspielt werden soll			v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, FREEFORALERT_FALSE, &v, 1, true);            al=Game::GetActors("lisbonenses_persons");  //Name des viruelles Objektes wo die EinsatzkrŠfte erstellt werden soll			if(al.GetNumActors() > 0)			{				spawnpoint = *al.GetActor(0);				spawnpos   = spawnpoint.GetPosition();			}			else			{				Mission::PlayHint("Pessoal não foi encontrado!");				return;			}			bool ob_personal = false;			pl = v.GetPassengers();			for(int i=0; i < pl.GetNumPersons(); i++)			{				if (pl.GetPerson(i)->HasCommand("entercar"))				{					ob_personal = true;				}			}			bool vinbase = false;			if(v.HasCommand(INBASE))			{				vinbase = true;			}//Personal Block////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////			if (!ob_personal && vinbase)			{				p = Game::CreatePerson("mod:Prototypes/Persons/01 TAS/TAS1.e4p","ABSC03"); //Pfad zum Prototyp der Einsatzkraft & Name der Einsatzkraft (wie Fahrzeug)				p.GetRotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[4], rot[5], rot[6], rot[7], rot[8]);				Math::EulerToMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, childRot);				Math::MultiplyMatrices(childRot, rot);				p.SetRotation(childRot[0], childRot[1], childRot[2], childRot[3], childRot[4], childRot[5], childRot[6], childRot[7], childRot[8]);				GameObject *px(p);				Game::FindFreePosition(px, spawnpos, 100);				p.SetPosition(spawnpos);				p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, COMMANDABLE_FALSE, &p, 1, true);				p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &p, 1, true);				p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "entercar", o, 0, false);			}//Personal Block////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////			if (!ob_personal && vinbase)			{				p = Game::CreatePerson("mod:Prototypes/Persons/01 TAS/TAS1.e4p","ABSC03"); //Pfad zum Prototyp der Einsatzkraft & Name der Einsatzkraft (wie Fahrzeug)				p.GetRotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[4], rot[5], rot[6], rot[7], rot[8]);				Math::EulerToMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, childRot);				Math::MultiplyMatrices(childRot, rot);				p.SetRotation(childRot[0], childRot[1], childRot[2], childRot[3], childRot[4], childRot[5], childRot[6], childRot[7], childRot[8]);				GameObject *px(p);				Game::FindFreePosition(px, spawnpos, 100);				p.SetPosition(spawnpos);				p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, COMMANDABLE_FALSE, &p, 1, true);				p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &p, 1, true);				p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "entercar", o, 0, false);			}//FŸr weitere EinsatzkrŠfte einfach neue Blšcke hier hinzufŸgen			bool ready = false;			if (ob_personal)			{				ready= true;			}			if (vinbase)			{				v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 8.0); //Zeit bevor Tor aufgeht				v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VcmdFlashingLights", o, 0, false);		        v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 3.0); //Zeit bis Fahrzeug fŠhrt nachdem das Tor offen ist			}			if (!ready && !vinbase))			{				Mission::PlayHint("Sem pessoal é impossível sair!");			}			v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &v, 1, true);			if(!v.HasCommand("DUMMYHasSiren"))			{				v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdSiren", o, 0, false);			}			v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, INBASE_FALSE, &v, 1, true);			if (ready && !vinbase))			{                            if(!v.HasCommand("DUMMYHasSiren"))			    {					v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdSiren", o, 0, false);			    }			} 			tpos = Game::GetCommandPos();			v.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, tpos);		}	}};


//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Script de alarme de viaturas	   								                                        //// ************************************************							                            ////													                                                    ////	1.0| AlarmVIATURA X										                                            ////													                                                    //// _____________________										                                        //// original por a-rescue. Editado por Ghost Graphic Designs                                  		    //// Edições não permitidas sem autorização									                            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////const char IMG_ICON[]           = "absc01";  // Name des Iconsconst char IMG_CURSOR[]         = "sendto";  // Name des Cursorsconst char COMMANDABLE_TRUE[]   = "DUMMYSetCommandableTrue";const char COMMANDABLE_FALSE[]  = "DUMMYSetCommandableFalse";const char FREEFORALERT_TRUE[]  = "DUMMYFPSetFreeForAlertTrue";const char FREEFORALERT_FALSE[] = "DUMMYFPSetFreeForAlertFalse";const char FREEFORALERT[]       = "DUMMYFPIsFreeForAlert";const char INBASE_TRUE[]        = "DUMMYFPSetInBaseTrue";const char INBASE_FALSE[]       = "DUMMYFPSetInBaseFalse";const char INBASE[]             = "DUMMYFPIsInBase";// 1.0object AlarmABSC01 : CommandScript  // Name des Commands{	AlarmABSC01()               // Name des Commands	{		SetIcon(IMG_ICON);		SetCursor(IMG_CURSOR);		SetValidTargets(ACTOR_FLOOR | ACTOR_STREET);	}		bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		GameObjectList ol;		GameObject *o;		ol = Game::GetGameObjects("ABSC01"); //Name des zu alarmierenden Fahrzeuges		o = *ol.GetObject(0);		Vehicle v(o);		if (!v.HasCommand(FREEFORALERT))			return false;					return true;	}		bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (Caller->GetID() == Target->GetID())			return false;					return true;	}		void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		GameObjectList ol;		GameObject *o;		ActorList al;		Actor spawnpoint;		Vector spawnpos;		float rot[9];		float childRot[9];		Vector tpos;		PersonList pl;        Person p;            ActorList al;		Actor spawnpoint;		Vector spawnpos;		ol = Game::GetGameObjects("ABSC01");  //Name des zu alarmierenden Fahrzeuges		o = *ol.GetObject(0);		Vehicle v(o);		if (v.IsDestroyed())		{			Mission::PlayHint("A viatura está inoperacional e não está disponível de momento.");			return;		}		if (!v.HasCommand(FREEFORALERT))		{			Mission::PlayHint("Veículo está ocupado numa ocorrência.");			return;		}		else		{			Mission::PlayHint("Saída da ABSC 01!");   //Alarmmeldung die angezeigt werden soll			Audio::PlaySample("mod:Audio/FX/sinos.wav");  //Pfad zum Alarmsound der abspielt werden soll			v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, FREEFORALERT_FALSE, &v, 1, true);            al=Game::GetActors("lisbonenses_persons");  //Name des viruelles Objektes wo die EinsatzkrŠfte erstellt werden soll			if(al.GetNumActors() > 0)			{				spawnpoint = *al.GetActor(0);				spawnpos   = spawnpoint.GetPosition();			}			else			{				Mission::PlayHint("Pessoal não foi encontrado!");				return;			}			bool ob_personal = false;			pl = v.GetPassengers();			for(int i=0; i < pl.GetNumPersons(); i++)			{				if (pl.GetPerson(i)->HasCommand("entercar"))				{					ob_personal = true;				}			}			bool vinbase = false;			if(v.HasCommand(INBASE))			{				vinbase = true;			}//Personal Block////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////			if (!ob_personal && vinbase)			{				p = Game::CreatePerson("mod:Prototypes/Persons/01 TAS/TAS1.e4p","ABSC01"); //Pfad zum Prototyp der Einsatzkraft & Name der Einsatzkraft (wie Fahrzeug)				p.GetRotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[4], rot[5], rot[6], rot[7], rot[8]);				Math::EulerToMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, childRot);				Math::MultiplyMatrices(childRot, rot);				p.SetRotation(childRot[0], childRot[1], childRot[2], childRot[3], childRot[4], childRot[5], childRot[6], childRot[7], childRot[8]);				GameObject *px(p);				Game::FindFreePosition(px, spawnpos, 100);				p.SetPosition(spawnpos);				p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, COMMANDABLE_FALSE, &p, 1, true);				p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &p, 1, true);				p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "entercar", o, 0, false);			}//Personal Block////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////			if (!ob_personal && vinbase)			{				p = Game::CreatePerson("mod:Prototypes/Persons/01 TAS/TAS1.e4p","ABSC01"); //Pfad zum Prototyp der Einsatzkraft & Name der Einsatzkraft (wie Fahrzeug)				p.GetRotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[4], rot[5], rot[6], rot[7], rot[8]);				Math::EulerToMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, childRot);				Math::MultiplyMatrices(childRot, rot);				p.SetRotation(childRot[0], childRot[1], childRot[2], childRot[3], childRot[4], childRot[5], childRot[6], childRot[7], childRot[8]);				GameObject *px(p);				Game::FindFreePosition(px, spawnpos, 100);				p.SetPosition(spawnpos);				p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, COMMANDABLE_FALSE, &p, 1, true);				p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &p, 1, true);				p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "entercar", o, 0, false);			}//FŸr weitere EinsatzkrŠfte einfach neue Blšcke hier hinzufŸgen			bool ready = false;			if (ob_personal)			{				ready= true;			}			if (vinbase)			{				v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 8.0); //Zeit bevor Tor aufgeht				v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VcmdFlashingLights", o, 0, false);		        v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 3.0); //Zeit bis Fahrzeug fŠhrt nachdem das Tor offen ist			}			if (!ready && !vinbase))			{				Mission::PlayHint("Sem pessoal é impossível sair!");			}			v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &v, 1, true);			if(!v.HasCommand("DUMMYHasSiren"))			{				v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdSiren", o, 0, false);			}			v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, INBASE_FALSE, &v, 1, true);			if (ready && !vinbase))			{                            if(!v.HasCommand("DUMMYHasSiren"))			    {					v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdSiren", o, 0, false);			    }			} 			tpos = Game::GetCommandPos();			v.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, tpos);		}	}};


// DISPATCHERS - GROUP & SCRIPTS		GameObject *ofz;		GameObjectList lfz;		lfz=Game::GetGameObjects("central");        //Dispatcher 1 name		if(lfz.GetNumObjects() > 0)		{			ofz = *lfz.GetObject(0);			ofz->AssignCommand("AlarmABSC01");  //AlarmScript			ofz->AssignCommand("AlarmABSC02");  //AlarmScript			ofz->AssignCommand("AlarmABSC03");  //AlarmScript			ofz->AssignCommand("AlarmABSC04");  //AlarmScript			ofz->AssignCommand("AlarmABSC05");  //AlarmScript			ofz->AssignCommand("AlarmVUCI04");  //AlarmScript                        //Add aditional scripts here			Game::AddToGroup(ofz,0);			System::Log("STARTSCRIPT: Disponenten Platz 1 wurde erfolgreich eingerichtet.");		}		else System::Log("STARTSCRIPT - FEHLER: Disponenten 1 Platz wurde nicht gefunden ! ! ! !");		lfz=Game::GetGameObjects("central_psp");      //Name des 2. Dispo		if(lfz.GetNumObjects() > 0)		{			ofz = *lfz.GetObject(0);			ofz->AssignCommand("rufe_psp1");  //Name des Commands um das 4.Fahrzeuge zu alarmieren			ofz->AssignCommand("rufe_psp2");  //Name des Commands um das 3.Fahrzeuge zu alarmieren                        //Weitere Commands hier einfügen			Game::AddToGroup(ofz,1);			System::Log("STARTSCRIPT: Disponenten Platz 2 wurde erfolgreich eingerichtet.");		}		else System::Log("STARTSCRIPT - FEHLER: Disponenten Platz 2 wurde nicht gefunden ! ! ! !");		lfz=Game::GetGameObjects("disp3");      //Name des 3. Dispo		if(lfz.GetNumObjects() > 0)		{			ofz = *lfz.GetObject(0);			ofz->AssignCommand("rufe_inem1");  //Name des Commands um das 5.Fahrzeuge zu alarmieren			ofz->AssignCommand("rufe_inem2");  //Name des Commands um das 6.Fahrzeuge zu alarmieren			ofz->AssignCommand("rufe_inem3");  //Name des Commands um das 5.Fahrzeuge zu alarmieren			ofz->AssignCommand("rufe_vmer");  //Name des Commands um das 6.Fahrzeuge zu alarmieren                        ofz->AssignCommand("rufe_vmer2");  //Name des Commands um das 5.Fahrzeuge zu alarmieren                        //Weitere Commands hier einfügen			Game::AddToGroup(ofz,2);			System::Log("STARTSCRIPT: Disponenten Platz 3 wurde erfolgreich eingerichtet.");		}		else System::Log("STARTSCRIPT - FEHLER: Disponenten Platz 3 wurde nicht gefunden ! ! ! !");		lfz=Game::GetGameObjects("disp4");      //Name des 4. Dispo		if(lfz.GetNumObjects() > 0)		{			ofz = *lfz.GetObject(0);			ofz->AssignCommand("rufe_absc1");  //Name des Commands um das 7.Fahrzeuge zu alarmieren			ofz->AssignCommand("rufe_absc2");  //Name des Commands um das 8.Fahrzeuge zu alarmieren			//Weitere Commands hier einfügen			Game::AddToGroup(ofz,3);			System::Log("STARTSCRIPT: Disponenten Platz 4 wurde erfolgreich eingerichtet.");		}		else System::Log("STARTSCRIPT - FEHLER: Disponenten Platz 4 wurde nicht gefunden ! ! ! !");

Don't mind the German commentaries, basically it's just some guidelines to add variables like vehicle names, prototypes, other scritps and stuff like that.




Thanks in advance. :)

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