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Is it possible to port .v3os into Maya?

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What title says.

depending on Maya's file layout is. Every application that writes files basically has a particular format in which it reads and writes. It gets so much more in depth. Unless the.V30 is set up exactly the same as a Maya file and in the Maya scripts it says that it can open a .v30 to read from its not possible. What you could do though is write a script plugin that could open and read .v30 files for Maya. (this would take a bit of understanding of how Maya works at the core and also the time to write the plugin.)

So to answer your question is it possible?

Yes, although like I said to do it you would have to script a plugin to do so. You would have to use what ever language Maya uses (which I believe is python) and as well would need to read the documentation of Maya in depth on all of the API's and stuff that you could use to do so with your code. Although the likeliness of this already existing is quite unlikely but you could Google for a .v30 plugin for Maya that has already been made and see if anything comes up. wink.gif

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depending on Maya's file layout is. Every application that writes files basically has a particular format in which it reads and writes. It gets so much more in depth. Unless the.V30 is set up exactly the same as a Maya file and in the Maya scripts it says that it can open a .v30 to read from its not possible. What you could do though is write a script plugin that could open and read .v30 files for Maya. (this would take a bit of understanding of how Maya works at the core and also the time to write the plugin.)

Herp Derp have a brain and have been modding for 4 years now, and have likely been using a computer since before you were born. I doubt many people with post counts over 50 needed that but thanks anyways. I guess a better question would've been is there a plugin to convert .v3o files.

**Edit when I get up and running again I'm going to convert to zmodel and see if I can convert that to something else.

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