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Posts posted by dustwaveblitz

  1. I assume that you have remembered to unpack it so its not a rar file you are trying to install with the mod installer :)

    Of course after many years of dealing with computers, and other files and otherwise be old in this forum I remember unpacking the files. Besides, I said that I meant that after trying to unpack the file, I said it was a corrupt file (the same from the 3 points of download).
  2. hello, greetings ... not if it's me or am I doing something wrong ... has anyone had a problem to collect the vehicle on the hostage situation (military ambushed and taken hostage) located at the center of the map (in the village).

  3. Hi... First post from a long time... I have been following the Mod since 0.0.1 realease (bad joke) and i have thought some things would be worked out in this patch. I have problems, do not know if someone else have them, but the CPC13, Bat 8 and 9 doesnt want to park as right as i give them the order to to return to the station.

    Another thing, the parking precinct. I dont know if it is too small or not. Parked vehicles sometimes when you send them to a patrol they get stuck. And they sometimes hit the garbage can at the entrance and can not pass.

    Another problem is with the speed of the patrol mode when passing to patrol chase ... They stay in patrol mode and i have to manually speed them to pursuit mode.

  4. Guys ... I've been quite out of the forum and I honestly do not know if this issue has been discussed above, but would appreciate some clarification and I apologize that I have doubts.

    1. It is available the holding point of SWAT units in the bottom left of the map or some other point on the map?

    2. How do I use? (Item 1)

    3. Parking is available on the left side of the precinct map? (from where detectives units shipped).

    4. What are the names of prototype units BC10, and the other 2 units of ambulances among others. (They are not active the siren system to those units). I know how to add them in the script, but not the names of prototype.

    Thanks all 4 the time spend reading this.

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