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Posts posted by Paramedic_Engine_2

  1. ok bama tought me how to do it so i'll help you return the favor. What you do is go into the editor and load the la mod. Next under the modifications tab second from the bottem is unpack click it. now go under models and select a type of object which in the ambulances case would be under veichels- LA Ambulance. Find the name of the file like ambulance 1 is the amr and so on. Now each unit will have the name of the unit then .v3o. Make sure it says the unit name and not door ao weel. Go to the text bar at the bottem and change the ending from .v30 to .dds Once you do this go into dds converter convert it to bmp and load it into paint.

    Hope this helps,


    Ps: bama did you ever post pics of your esu truck?

    Where is the dds converter? and how do i convert it

    Please help thanks alot

    Mike CCFES


  2. Okay, that is useful information. I apreciate the links, and I'll try to correct as much as I can- as to getting the models into paint, well, how I do it is somewhere earlier in this forum, but I basically unpack the files in the editor. By the way I had no idea that truck 24 was under battalion 7, just a lucky guess. :)

    Ill have hoppahs ambulance in the editor and i want to paint it. could you may be give me a little bit more instructions

  3. New Cars!!

    Auxiliary Rescure Truck

    Mobile Command Support Vehicle

    Res5cue Truck 5 Company 2

    Looks good but it says Rescue 5 under res5cue??? The real Rescue 5 only says Res5cue no truck 5 below it. http://www.fdnytrucks.com/files/html/statenisland/e160.htm also why does it say rescue co. 2 (If you get around to it, rescue 5 does not has a raised cab.

    One the brush truck, you should but 329 as the number because fdny has a brush brush truck kind of like this, also but ATRV on it. http://www.fdnytrucks.com/files/html/queens/e329.htm

    Can you color the compartments red? If you can you should.

    Or on the brush truck, maker the number BFU 4 like one of fdny's Brush trucks.

    http://www.dotphoto.com/SAN1/82/52/3E/i825...DCC91DC4281.jpg here is the only foam tender the fdny has aside from the old mack foam trucks. If you do the foam tender, here is a good layout.

    Marine 1 is the oldest and busiest fire boat in the world, built in 1938. Here is a good design for the fire boat. Fdny just put in a new order for two boats but that will be a while.

    http://www.fdnytrucks.com/files/html/specialunits/ems.htm one of the newer fdny trucks, it is a haz-tec ambulance, carries medical supplies for a hazmat call, this would be beneficial, paramedics would be able to go in with a level A suit on and treat critical patients. If you ever make your own mod, this should be in it.

    FDNY MERV 3 looks similar to hoppahs mass casualty unit, you could re-skin it and it would very similar to this one. http://www.fdnytrucks.com/files/html/specialunits/ems.htm (You may have to scroll down to find units.

    I know this is a fleet service car but you could make it the ems supervisor http://image42.webshots.com/42/3/28/62/207...10LHNzAY_fs.jpg

    Also just curious why you picked battalion 7 ( I know Engine 1 and truck 24 are under the seventh battalion but battalion 9 is the busiest battalion chief in the world. It is stationed with Engine 54 and truck 4. This is one of the busiest stations in the city of New York.


    I am not criticizing you. Everything is starting to come along great. Please send me a pm if you have any questions, I would like to help you make these rigs ads realistic as possible.

    Mike CCFES

  4. Hoppah, I dont know how you feel about this, but I think the Engines should have a tank gauge that tells you how much water is in the truck. It would have to be refilled. During a structure fire the engine would hook up to a hydrant. This would add so much realism, and I believe it would not be too difficult. Could you consider it after you are done with the map.

    Mike CCFES

    and does your warning ever go down?

  5. Our company's (unwritten) policy is that it's not a fire truck without a Q-siren. lol

    You are right but New York has so many people and it is too loud. I have broken windows. Some FDNY Trucks have it though.

    Mike CCFES

    what software are you using, I would love to help you?

    Mike CCFES

  6. Well I would if I could, but I suck at modelling. So I just re-skinned these; but who knows? Maybe Ill learn some day. :)

    FDNY Ladder 24 and Engine 7 dont have a federal Q siren, I dont know maybe you want to take that into consideration. I do love Q sirens though.

  7. Thanks for the tips; however I am not doing models yet, only skins. But I might get to that eventually. Its good to know I can ask someone if I have any questions, so thanks. And those are some good pictures, by the way. Thanks for the links.

    I am currently re-skinning the USAR to look like the Res5cue truck, let you know when that's done. :)



    Yes, I do use paint. Most people use photoshop, etc. But I think paint is easier when it comes to skinning. I only use photoshop for the details. :)



    cool bro, look forward to help you out.

    Mike CCFES

  8. Sorta. Anyway I have 3 new vehicles.

    1. Ladder 24

    2. Battalion Chief 7

    3. Hazmat Co.1

    Here are the pics:

    Overall Progress:)


    NYC SubMod

    Looks great, only one problem, FDNY Hazmat 1 has six wheels These trucks might look a little wierd in the bay with a LAFD USAR truck perhaps adding Rescue 1 and a CPC unit for hazmat.

    You could also switch out the foam tender with a satellite. http://www.fdnytrucks.com/files/html/manhattan/e9.htm (Scroll Down)

    The Brush could be replaced with the new ATRV 329 (Manifold Wagon) http://www.fdnytrucks.com/files/html/queens/e329.htm (Scroll Down)

    If you were serious about making this mod you might want to add some more fdny units. I am not trying to should like a no it all but i know quite a bit about the fdny and their apparatus. If you have any questions, please ask me. Also not one FDNY rear mount aerial has a bucket. Ask hoppah because he didnt have either in one of the older versions of the la mod. I dont think.

    Mike CCFES

  9. I personally love using the LAX ones for missions, but recently, I have been using only the LAX ambulance in freeplay, because it is yellow, and unless you are close, it looks like a normal yellow ambulance, like a beach, so that goes by the beach area, other than that no uses...

    Same here I sometimes use the ambulances because they look like RMA (Rural Metro Ambulance)

    Here is a picture of RMA: http://www.ruralmetrocolorado.com/Images/G...0amb%20crop.jpg

    Mike CCFES

  10. About the way it will be released:

    v1.9 will be the normal version of the mod PLUS bugfixes, the new civilian cars and some other small changes that are necessary to make it playable with the new map.

    So, the new map will be definately an add-on (for v1.9). I just don't know how I am going to do it.

    I MIGHT find or buy some .exe creator so I can create an installation procedure where you can select options like:

    [x] Install mission patch

    [x] Replace freeplaymap with NEW MAP

    [x] Replace deluxe freeplaymap with NEW MAP

    [x] Replace multiplayermap with NEW MAP

    I just don't know if and how I can do that.


    Hoppah, so we will install v1.9 and then have to download the map or will the map be included in v1.9 Sorry but the way you worded this is difficult for me to understand. Thanks Awesome Awesome Job. Is it also possiable to have the river dry when its not raining and running when it is?

    Mike CCFES


  11. Looks great, do you think that when you have a structure fire, there could be smoke all around the building. The fire department could have a ventalation fan on the Truck co. This map looks amazing though. What is a beta version.


    Cherokee County Fire Emergency Services

  12. :mad: I have a problem with the suggestion bashers, sometimes I think that the things you and Hoppah say are stupid but I don't flip out when you say them. If I want to suggest that you make a 18 wheeled USAR truck so be it. But don't sit there and tell someone there idea is bad just because you yourself did't like it. Just simply say it can't be done or you'll work on it noone is going to be mad if you can't do something but there is no need to publicly castrate the idea. WHY DO WE ALL PLAY THIS GAME? HUMMMM... BECAUSE WE THINK ITS COOL RIGHT? WOW! So then why is it such a crazy thing to add a vehicle because it "looks cool" isn't that the point. Its sad how many great ideas are shot down because 1 or 2 people think is stupid. The majority of people will keep there mouth shut just so they don't get bashed as well rather than agree with the "so called stupid idea". I sit and read these topics and posts and find some sweet ideas and think to my self wow that would be cool but that is only my opinion. Everyone on the forum has the right to their opinion. I have personally been belittled on more than one occasion and find it to be extremely disrespectful. But have to sit back and laugh at the same time because the same people dishing it out are the people sticking up for Hoppah and all the modders like they are better then everyone and can't ever be wrong cause they made the mod. Don't get me wrong I think the things the modders do are awesome I mean come on the LA Mod is better than the game that its based on! All of you guys/girls should be getting paid to do this as a matter of fact if you figure out a way to sell it I would buy it! Hoppah you are the man but sometimes people forget that this is a "Fan Forum". So to conclude my rant here you may not want to be rude or mean but you are in fact extremely disrespectful. :excl:

    First of all if the 6 wheel USAR/Heavy Truck was so crapy, why would every big city use it INCLUDING LA. Also you all need to stop being unrealistic, it does not have 20 axels or 18 wheels or what ever other number you all want to come up with. It is a nicer looking truck. Topic Closed, nothing else about it unless Hoppah wants to add it when he is drunk. I agree with FFEMTNecker about jumping down everyones throat, I am glad I am not the only one who thinks that. Right on bro, You said it right!!!!


  13. Sorry I meant 'no intentions'. That's what happens after a couple of beers. :1046276057_GroupHug:

    Well let me know next time you have a couple beers and ill suggest it again.

    So now we're adding vehicles because of the number of wheels they have... *shifty eyes*

    Hey bro, Its a nicer looking truck. It looks like a heavy rescue truck not like a light equipment rig. Also, The USAR rig is a Pierce and the HAZMAT is a Seagrave.


  14. Does it matter? The patrolcars have all a different number on their roofs which probably don't exist in real life (100, 101, 102, 103, 104 etc...).

    Reason I made the older USAR squad (with the white cabin) is that the newer USAR squads look too much like the HAZMAT squad.

    What we have now makes both vehicles easily identifiable + the variation. I have intentions to add another USAR squad. Makes the mod even more confusing for new players. :)

    Cant wait for the USAR truck, I do still think the trucks are different and realistic considering the LAFD uses them. One has 4 wheels and one has 6 wheels. Its your call but when you bring out the USAR keep the old one and put the new one in the house.

    Hazmat: http://www.code2high.com/LAFD/lafd_hazmat87.jpg

    USAR 88: http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg252/f...7/LAFD/UR88.jpg

    You do have to agree that is a sick lookin truck.


  15. I'm not even going to bother quoting the OPs..

    The USAR is 85. It's modeled after 85, which has a single rear axle and is a WORKING USAR TRUCK. I doubt he's going to reskin the truck just to add an axle to make it look like a DIFFERENT truck that does the SAME job.

    Missions are out. Multiple people have said they are NOT making missions. *I'm* starting to get annoyed at the requests for missions, and I don't even make them.

    Again with the cars... He's most likely not going to add a car simply because "OMG ITS LOOKS KOOL!". Same with a rehab unit. It serves NO function in the game. nor does it add anything, I doubt it'll be added.

    I know that 85 is in service but He should make it look like the LAFD in service UASR 88.


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