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Posts posted by cops

  1. OMG I won :Oo

    I want to thank me, myself and I for making this vehicle and the reskin, but a real special thanks to Ken County for their paint scheme :)

    But I don't have to forget all the people who voted for the skin, many many thanks :cheers::cheers-mate:

    BTW... I finally beat Goog :grinsevil: hahaha no offence buddy

  2. This evening a code 10-38 came in on the radio with a request for backup, the taxi that was pulled over has been stolen several days before. The suspect was marked as highly dangerous. Several units in the area responding with Code 3 to the scene, once they got on the scene they asked the driver to step out of the vehicle so they can arrest them. But the suspect wasn't alone she was with her husband and both were asked to step out of the vehicle and both were arrested for stealing a vehicle and for imposition of illegal weapons and drugs




    note: In the photo's are old units, none of them will be used in the San Diego mod, this is just a Alpha version for scripts

  3. Hi Hoppah,

    well I saved it as a .png and also tried the .dds, and all with the same effect as I show you...

    And about my graphic card... it's only with the new engine... other units work fine :s


    Sapphire Radeon HD 7770 1GB Ram

    and it has the version

  4. Hi guys,

    I hope that some of you know what the cause of the problem is what I am facing...

    In Zmodeler all the colors are on the fire engine


    In the editor... well... uhm in the editor my fire engine don't like his skin or something like that... Does anyone have a solution for it?


    ow and a second question

    The window doesn't show HD quality like I make.... :s

    I did nothing special just make the window with gradient like always... :/


    I hope that someone know a solutions to fix my little problem with the engine... 'cause this is really stupid... :cry:

    Thanks anyway for reading and hopeful giving me some advice :cheers-mate:

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