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Posts posted by frankie1988

  1. What I think you're doing is trying to inset the url of the webpage that holds the picture. What you need is to get the address for the picture itself (this tends to end in .jpg)

    Right click on the image you wish to add and click "View image".

    The address for the image now appears in the address bar (http://lh6.ggpht.com/_JeFhi604zCY/TD75AsJlN3I/AAAAAAAAABA/GGi3rmW2azM/13-02-08_1238.jpg)

    Now use the "inset image" function.


    Normally the picture hosting website has a button you can click and it tells you the picture address, but I don't understand Croatian :)

    thanx very much,..


    got it now;...

  2. A "Riot" Squad is not a a Swat or SRU. Only half of Riot Squads may have some kind of training. But nothing like a Swat. Most of the time they are standard officers with shield, clubs, tear gas, helmets, and a heavy coat.

    Deploying a Swat team to a riot scene makes the public upset most likely. Give the police bad media reports.

    That why Police don't deploy a Swat to a Riot scene. Unless it a super huge city wide riot. But they don't use heavy fire arms still.

    yeah, we have the same,.. our "SWAT" dont do riot - for that we have units called Intervention police,.. they have better training than normal police, but that is nothing in comparation with "SWAT"

  3. We have "Karhuryhm�uot; (Bearsquad).

    their equipments are:

    H&K G36C as assault rifle

    Remington 870 as shotgun

    H&K USP as pistol

    I dont remember, what sniper.


    Teargas grenade

    Bearsquad consist normal police officers, who wear SWAT equipments on them when situation needs it. If they need helicopter, they loan our border guard helicopter, because Finnish police dont have own helicopter.

    Unfortunately i didnt found their vehcile's picture.

    sorry but I didnt undestod this,... are they normal police officers or SWAT trained police officers that works normal police duties, but when SWAT is called, they do what they were trained to do?

  4. The tank one was messed up though,firing and killing the hostages+hostage takers.


    breaching,.. breaching,.. oh shit,... they could also bomb him by plane to make sure,..

    Meh, GSG9 is the best special forces unit in the world.

    StLCoPD has TACT:

    I'm sure you'll find their vehicles somewhere in here:

    is that a command post vehicle in the back of the pic?

  5. You can't see the "gas" all the time. There are a lot of gasses that are clear and have little to no oder

    But they definitly were aware of the gas attack,.. because when it started it caused panic in auditorium,..

    The Chechens, some of whom were equipped with gas masks, did not set off any explosives or fire on their hostages once the storming got under way. /pure luck Instead, the terrorists responded with firing blindly at the Russian positions outside. After thirty minutes, when the gas had taken effect, a physical assault on the building commenced.

    Long thirty minutes!!!very long,... - bad tactic - bad planing - bad SF

  6. I watched a documentory on the incident, and it was said that the terrorists would not set off the bombs without the go ahead from their leader, who wasn't present as the gas came in.

    Most people died from either intoxication from the gas or from being crushed by the pile of bodies that the authorities put into buses since there was not enough ambulances.

    why the hell they didnt use stationary medical center outside theatre,... if they didnt have enough ambulances? or use nearby buildings as a triage center,...

  7. What's concerning is that the Moscow theatre was two years before the school hostage situation, and tghey clearly didn't learn from mistakes. What's even more concerning is that the Russians considered the theatre crisis to be a great success...

    I watched a special episode of Rescue 911 that was an incident from Russia (it's on youtube) where it was two people taken hostage. Basically, the Russians got fed up of negotiating and shot their way through the door, which resulted in the hostage taker and 1 hostage to be killed. That was also considered a success...

    I think I'll stay away from the mean streets of Russia :P

    Yeah, how could it be sucsessfull missions with more than a 100 killed hostiges??

    And their tactic was so wrong! The theatar was full with planted bombs, and yet they decided to use gas througthout vents,.... I dont get it, why they werent thinking if terrorist see gas that they would activet the bombs?,.. and yes it can be a sucess because most of the bombs were fake,.... but still idiotic decision to gas througt the vents,.. and then the gas used was also unknown,...

    Their tactics are wrong,.... and thats why their SF sucks.

  8. Sorry to turn this into an arguement but I am currently reading in a Special Forces book that 'GIGN take its orders from the French Ministry Of Defence, but its members remain policemen, with powers of arrest...' and 'Most of the 700 or so GIGN actions have been police operations.' They even refer to the men as Officers instead of Troops and they prefer to arrest rather than kill.

    Unless the book is wrong, which is possible. :laugh:

    The OC-D

    GIGN takes order from French Ministry of Defence - so does army too,.... but they are not policeman, as the name sugest Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale it is a part of the military force called Gendarmerie. But yeah, GIGN units are closer to enhanced SWAT teams than to pure military units such as the British SAS. Its operators are trained to follow police regulations and include negotiation and investigation specialist :) Everything you read is wright, except that they are policeman,..

  9. I wouldn't call HRT a military force as they are a domestic unit. The USA has so many SOCOM units that have so many capabilities, SEALs, Green Berets (They mostly train the populace to fight), Delta, Rangers, MARSOC (Formerly Force Recon), PJ's etc. The US tends to not have one unit for everything but instead a variety of units for a variety of occasions.

    Frankie the HRT is not a military/SF force. They are not apart of USSOCOM and don't (That I'm aware of, fight foreign forces)

    I know, but it is not a part of the police either, but they conduct the same missions typse as those units I wrot,... unlike SEALS, Delta force, and Green berets, that do more army mission types and open warfare as well as missions behind enemy lines,..and scouting, gathering intelligence, and so on,... not hostige rescue, high risk warranty arrest and so on,...

  10. FBI HRT is not a special force,it is a national special police force which has nothing to do with the military so I don't consider it a special force.

    it has nothing to do with the police either,.. it is a federal force, and like that it is under command of Washington... like military,.. but it is a SF because they do the same things taht other SF do,...

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