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Everything posted by jerome

  1. A squad is a mini rescue that runs hazmat, But can work as an Engine or Ladder company if its needed
  2. Thats the editor which comes free with the game
  3. Maybe they have it so you click the building, And a Picture or w/e pops up. From there you could choose which floor you want to view
  4. They said the maps would be based on certain areas within the boroughs
  5. He means, The models are better than any model he could make
  6. Will we have a preview of the ones for squad/rescue/hazmat/ladder? Or will we just have to wait. BTW manual design looks epic
  7. You mean a supply line, Well it would require a bit of scripting but it is possible, As you can see in the NY mod.....
  8. Agreed, My OS is Windows 7 64 Bit Home Premium, And theres no problems what so ever with the mods I have installed.....
  9. Not possible, You can't sync the events with real time events.
  10. Good thing I haven't installed this update then
  11. They said the Police Station would be "off the map", So i'd assume there is police missions and such but just no "on map" station
  12. When I was running on Vista, I used to CTD sometimes, But I would just change my color settings to 16 bit then back to 32 bit and it would work just fine...
  13. Even when I bunch units together and put the lights on at night I don't lag... But then again I'm not everybody.
  14. I'd say thats what the media package is about, Which is going to be released soon
  15. Why didn't I think of it, Check what it is in the editor lol
  16. Well im afraid to say that the MERV is actually pretty much the same IG as it is in RL
  17. I haven't had anything in the river yet but can I guess what it is... Plane crash??
  18. Yeah it goes to the 'cannot click' cursor but he wont pick it up... Il try the other one next time.... Thanks
  19. My fault, I should have stated it more clearly. I mean when I am finished with it, I click the bottom grey button and then on the wye but the FF won't pick it up..
  20. I doubt any other submods have caused this, Id just say your current em4 has had it. Re-Install is your best bet.....
  21. Hmm I can't seem to pick up the gated wye type thingy... Can anyone help me?
  22. Yeah, Rapid Deployment works in the 2nd engine, So I just dont use the 1st engine and call all my units from off the map...
  23. Found the problem after I "explored" the editor a bit more lol, Thanks anyway guys
  24. Yeah I just tried and they don't have the command when I start game.
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