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Posts posted by gizmo719

  1. It's possible you where on a emotional high, but it's United States not Unuted States ;)

    Yes I was, like no other I had tears in my eyes when i heard this is a No homo statement.

    If you like pina colotas and gettin caught in the rain... then don't ask don't tell applies to you=)

    If you like taking walks at midnight.........ummmm I Mean....lol

    Also yes i do fear the attacks will be soon and bloody

  2. Which one, I i remember correctly the picture of the tanker dropping retardant is a P-3. I couldnt tell ya what the crashed plan was, i was at the head of the fire attacking a finger at the time we heard about the crash on over the radio.

  3. saw it happen in a small town where step dad worked part time (he works full time in a larger city) they got a call up the street, smoke visible from station so we just drove up there watched the home owner punch a ff because he wouldn't let him in the burning home. about 10 mins later he pushed a cop the cop threw him to the ground and arrested him.

    the house would have to be large with casualties in it if it was to be a mission

    Was this in colorado cause it happen to me two years ago haha

  4. the one thing that hasnt actually really been done, is an american rural mod. there some that are WIP. But, they are just that. 70% of firefighters in America are volunteers in smaller communities. Why don't you guys give that a shot, with small towns, volunteer responding to the stations. An aged mix of apparatus, longer response times, more chances for the fire to grow, field on fire, people injured in difficult to access areas. Things that are dealt with in a rural area. just a thought. I'm sick of inner city mods lol.

    I couldnt agree more

  5. Yeah, in Colorado we have already had three type 1 incidents already. That's usually what we have all season. I know we also lost roughly 20-40 houses so far, 15 in one fire. For three weeks in march he had at least 3 a week. It's been busy.

  6. I'm curious to how busy your dept, county or state has been with wildland this year. I'm a wildland firefighter in Colorado and we have been hit hard, really hard before normal season. Also I've been on the interstate in Kansas and there everywhere. So please tell me what its like round your area, share pictures and stories even.

  7. The tiller is ugly as sin the way it behaves... Its that simple... Trailers cant be made to have physics so they will ALWAYS behave as they currently do, for a small trailer this isnt an issue, for a large one it's very notable....

    Loving it in reality doesnt mean that the game will sadly like it too

    Couldnt have said it better myself

  8. Make me a cool beta tester sig!

    Haha. lets get this advertised :)

    I'll start on within the next two days. Also ill be out of state for work starting Wednesday till Sunday, just FYI. If its not done by then it will be when i get back.

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