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Posts posted by Fuzzyface

  1. 3) pump out-flooded basement/backyard 9:15 am (pump is still there and will remain there until tomarrow morning)....33-11, 33-12 responded

    7) pump out-flooded basement 7:00pm.........33-12 responded

    8) pump out- flooded basement 8:10 pm........33-12 responded

    Sounds like the housing your way could do with some stilts :P

  2. You will do an new map too in the near future ?..

    I forgot something.. maybe an getaway car ? an Audi ? i know u like it ::PP Thnx

    Since the new people here seem to have a bit of slack cut for them, and you said your english isn't too good, hoppah DOES NOT take suggestions for any of the mods.

    We get what Hoppah gives, end of.

    You can ask questions about the mod, but do not make suggestions for the mod.

    If you scroll down the police list there already is a getaway car.

    If you want the getaway car to be the Audi then once the addition is released you will have to change the files yourself to make it so.

  3. Damn

    I hope you can get it resolved.

    I don't mod, so feel free to let me know i'm talking ****, but would it better to complete the scripting first, and maybe find people to complete a map once you have all objects you wish to include ready?

    Or at least until someone else offers their services?

    Again, feel free to tell me to shut up :P

  4. well where you going to get all the money to give people?

    Also, how would you determine what you pay people?

    Would it be;

    1)On experience?

    2)On hours commited?

    3)A set fee for each model etc they create?

    I think it's a nice idea in theory, but ultimately it will cost you alot of money, for alot of stuff which you can't say is yours, for a mod you can't earn money for by selling.

    It makes no sense to give people your money, when every other mod being created (and there's a lot!) has many, many volunteers doing the same high standard of work required.

    (P.s That means i'm voting no)

    This isn't to trash your idea totally, as you say it was just an idea so I thought I would give constructive criticism - No offence intended

  5. I'm kinda gutted, i can just not get my head around some of the stuff involved with this.

    Big shame cause when I did manage to battle through some of it, this is very well scripted and thought out.

    If only they made one for the police (with a full english translation!)

    (Not to say the english translation created here was bad, it meant I managed to get a few weeks gameplay out of it, very good work :gut:)

  6. Gunman 'cornered' in Virginia after shooting 8 dead.

    Sky News story HERE


    Guy has surrendered (he had 100 officers in pursuit, a helicopter and dog units)

    Although i must say, he did manage to take out one helicopter by shooting out its fuel line, god knows what weapon he had on him :\

  7. Think before you respond to people who are new to this forum. Not a nice post to someone who is new asking a genuine question.

    I can only suggest you read below;

    You are not allowed to ask for release dates of mods in any way. Modding takes up a lot of time and most modders don’t work on a schedule. Often they can’t even answer these questions because there can always be unexpected delays etc. That’s why modders find it very annoying when they are asked for release dates , so we decided to forbid anyone asking for a release date. If you still ask for a release date you will receive a warning or an account suspension!

    Taken directly from this forums TOS which you can find HERE.


    Although you asked if it was available for download, and not strictly a release date, they are considered nearly one and the same here. Like all forums, your main info will be found in the first post of a topic.

    He's answer was in fact very nice, compared to reporting it and getting you a warning with your first post.

  8. Wednesday 19th January - 09:00(GMT +0)

    Member Of Admin; As of this moment all moderators are on a well earned two day break.

    Wednesday 19th January - 09:30(GMT +0)

    Site crashes as NY mod has accumulated another 200 pages containing just the words;


    :danke: :danke: :1046275976_nospam::spamsign::danke: :danke:

    I hope I don't anger people with this haha

  9. As a few guys have said here already, if you're looking for a 'better' map then you simply have to create it yourself.

    If you look around this forum you'll probably find around 30-40 threads where people have said;

    "I'd really like [insert your idea], can someone create it for me?"

    The answer 99% here will always be 'no'.

    So I don't rant on and on, I simply second hoppahs comment at taken offence.

    There's nothing wrong with the map (more so given the distance between Hoppah and his modelled area). I can only suggest you try creating a map yourself so you can understand exactly what torture hoppah put himself through for nothing except a few 'looks amazing','well done' etc.

    Rant over.

    Don't mean this to sound offensive, just this topic could roll on for a long time otherwise :unsure:

  10. 5 people found murdered in their house in Texas.

    Believed to be 4 adults (2 possible teenagers) and a minor;

    "Local reports have named the victims as 69-year-old George Washington and his wife Debra Washington, as well as his wife's daughter, her son, and her two-year-old grandchild."

    One person, reportedly the son of one of the victims, has been arrested and is being questioned in connection with the murders.

    Story from Sky News here

  11. I was ridiculously annoyed by the V.I.P mission.

    Played it first time and had all my secret service guys gunned down

    (They were in a line so when they opened fire at the guys just past the railway crossing they shot each other in the back instead)

    Second time playing through, Mr yellow cab decided to blow up my general.

    So, 3rd time round, I use police motobikes to block EVERY road which could block my convoy, roll out 4 sets of fully loaded army vehicles and one SWAT vehicle.

    I got the limosine to the airport and though "ahhhh safe", sat back and........watched as the entire car park blew up.

    Haven't tried since then, but am considering now haha.

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