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Posts posted by Fuzzyface

  1. hi thanks for that, i do use that site a lot, plus i also go to workshops at lexden and take my own photos.

    what part of essex are you from?

    also thanks for the encouragement from all that have commented so far


    Good good :)

    Don't wanna be too specific on here, but I am served by Orsett Fire Station haha

  2. Ok, um...

    Something not popular or non aired?

    This could take a long time haha

    Miranda is nice girl, very nice girl...

    What's that supposed to mean?

    You trying say something, say it!

    Very friendly girl? Very friendly girl?

    What's that supposed to mean...?

    If anyone gets this without google, you deserve money for having (my opinion of) very good music taste :P

  3. It does too! I say we have american units! Maybe we could vote?

    I say we use a range of units.

    For example;

    All fire units could be based on U.S units

    All medical services could be provided by English units

    All Police services could be provided by French <--- First thing that came to my head :P

    That, or we just let Tim make his own units for the mod or just use the original ones?

    I would vote for the originals, if we aren't in control of them, why does it matter how they look/their functions?

  4. Im not putting police tape in as whats the point when the police will have there signs? And Also It Would Be A Pest As It Would Not Really Work Well As When You Think Of It. Police Tape Only Gets Used At Murders. And Its Not Really For Emergency 4. No One Has Came Up With It So We Shall Leave The Police Tape At That.

    Thought as much, good :)

    There Will Be A Tent.


    Looking forward to seeing that :)

    OMG if there isn't much to here at work i will go mental!! :wall:

    Tell me about it. I'm going insane haha

  5. I was looking at London mod and they were talking about those tents that go around the deaths of people.

    It was mentioned by a forum member, not a member of the mod

    As I said in their thread too, it's regarded impossible/difficult, and there's no need when the 'halt civilian' button on the officer has the same effect.

    Hell i don't know, all i know is the only the sun rises for nothing.

    It does have a reason, if it wasn't for the sun the people on the other side of the world wouldn't have a moon to look at ;)

  6. Also coming from this idea you should put in police tape to cordon off large areas. O.o

    This is already listed as being impossible. Or at least difficult to do.

    There's no need for it anyway when you only have to click "Halt Civilans" for the same effect.

    And I know that they put up a tent, I just meant I wasn't sure if he got the idea of including it from Hoppah's tarp addition in 2.0 :)

  7. Little idea for you - when someone is declared dead, perhaps you could make it set up a blue tent around the corpse? I saw one of those before down the road, where someone was struck down by a large vehicle when crossing the road (they closed off a whole chunk of Alcester Road for that)

    Click below for a picture:


    I think they're generally used to hide places where there is gore, such as cars, but I don't know whether you'd be able to do that as well. Might be worth a try?

    People tend not to look in real life .. without the tent, people would probably stop and stare over the police line. Alot of people just tend to give the tent one or two glances, search the scene for gore/wreckages/chaos, anything unusual, and move on. They don't usually stop anyway. Maybe you could make people just walk on when the corpse has a tent?

    As far as I know the 'tarp' which appears over bodies on the LA Mod is literally just the few pixels by the body changing colour (since i'm assuming your idea comes from there)

    I imagine it woukld be possible to do the tent, but to script so that people just walk by would probably not be as much fun, and isn't really needed.

  8. The BC will call units off the map, but only if you own any.

    Say you want another BLS ambulance to show up and make it so there's 2 on the map. You would have to make sure that you have at least one more in your inventory or else it won't let you dispatch another unit

    Ah, I get it.

    That's why i've never got this problem then because I already own plenty of units to call out.

    I know it wasn't my question, but thanks for the answer :gut:

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