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Posts posted by swatlord

  1. hi, how about a submod where the USNG Humvees have a M2 50. Cal MG or M136 Minigun, it will make it more like a National Guard Situation

    We would NEVER even think of using our mounted weapons on home soil against civilians, that would just be disastrous. Unless Hoppah or someone else scripts an event where Russians parachute in, it would be useless. Also, you will never find an M136 mounted on a HMMWV. An M136 (AKA the AT4) is a shoulder fired rocket , not a mini-gun. The mini-gun you're thinking of would be the M134. I don't know how much CoD you've been playing, but you'll never see a mini-gun mounted on a HMMWV, or any ground vehicle for that matter. The only small arms weapon systems we mount ar the M240B, M249 SAW, MK19, and M2 .50


    @BritishArmyReserveCadets: you may want to reduce the size of your signature, Randomperson139 has taken it upon himself to tattle on other members for their signatures. Just a heads up

  2. So you expect us moderators to search for each member abusing the TOS instead of having people just help us a hand?

    No, I don't. But I also don't expect and entire topic to be turned into a place to report people. That's what the REPORT button is for. If someone has a problem with a signature, all they have to do is:

    A: use the report feature

    B: contact the user and advise them to take a look at their signature

    Or C: Contact a mod via PM and discuss it with them

    If I'm wrong, I would suggest not hiding warning levels anymore. Even put in big bold letters how many warnings they've recieved, who (if anyone) reported them, who warned them, and a detailed description of why they were warned. That sounds to be right up the alley of what this topic has turned into.

  3. Think what you want about me, my point is I don't think the people who are narcing on people realize that. Tell me, what's the point of publicly reporting people's sigs? Are they that much of an inconvenience to your life that you have to tell on them? Does telling on them get you "respect" with the members and, more "importantly", the mods in this forum?

    Mods - if the answer to that is yes, then I'm in the wrong place.

    And my second point is it's not gonna get you respect anywhere else.

    I understand this forum is not life, but there are living people behind every post that is made here. And I also understand there's a considerable populace on this forum that are young, but that's still no excuse. This is 5 year old behavior.

    I'm just tired of getting online and seeing everyone's true personality come out

    This topic was about explaining the rules about this forums signature policy, not about turning on members and reporting every little thing. This causes hostility, flame wars, and more work for the mods

  4. Not meaning any offense but, wtf?

    This topic was supposed to inform people on the TOS in regards to signatures, not to openly narc on other members.

    CFDJustin has 4 banners. Not any more! :P
    ths1992 has 4 banners.
    jelle1995 has 3 banners and some text.
    aidan196 has a video in his signature.

    Was it bothering you guys THAT much that you had to publicly rat people out? What happened to honor and integrity? Try doing something like this in the real world and see how many friends that gets you, ESPECIALLY in a fire dept. If it really does bother you that much, PM the mods.

    Seriously. I think this topic needs to be locked and any other questions or tattling can be handled through PM'ing.

  5. So I got something;

    I had only been playing for an hour and a hazmat event happened at the top part of the map. Naturally, I created a perimeter. A few minutes after the perimeter was established, a train rolled through. To my complete surprise..... IT STOPPED! I tried moving units and such but the train wouldn't budge.

    It just freaking stopped cold


  6. OCD = Operations Control Dispatch

    I would like to see more car accidents. Maybe some that don't involve injuries or fire, just a couple of cars that collided. I'm just bored with the accident scenes that the game provides.

    I would also like to see a hit-and-run.

    Maybe a guy threatening to shoot himself and when you get close he shoots himself.

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