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Everything posted by frenky

  1. hello! Did you find out where to download wuppertal mod? Can you help me?
  2. Thank you for yours answers!!!!
  3. Did you saw movie on you tube aboun new winterberg mod 7.0???? I don t understand why I can t find that mod for downlaod, and I can t get it with updater, do you know answer on this questions?
  4. Aha, thank you!! I asked becouse I want to know when I will can replace RW1 vihecle!
  5. How I can get winterberg 7.0 becouse i have winterberg sommerpause 2009????????????
  6. yes, me to! I hope that they will fix problems with RW1 and another vehicle from fire station! I have 7 vehicles in the fire station and can use only 5, I think that is stupid but evrything else is perfect!!!!
  7. Do you know if they steal will upgrading and making better winterberg mod in the future, that means winterberg 7.1, 7.2, 7.3.......???
  8. OK!! Is not important when 7.0 mod will be released, I am interested if that mod will be generally relased, do you maybe know that???
  9. Thank you on information!!! Please tell me, do you know when new winterberg mod, I think on 7.0, or highter, will come out for update???
  10. Hey, I have one question about this last version of winterberg mod (soomerpause 2009), in game, when I playing, I can t send two vehicles, one is RW1 winterberg, that is fire truck, tehnical vehicle with 3 firefighters, and second is from same firestation, that vehicle is from last garage, little vehicle with 3 firefighters??? Do you have same problems in that mod? If you not, please tell me how to fix that problem???
  12. Thanks for your help, but I don t know how to do that, what I must to do when I click on downloads in top right corner of page, witch step is next. Can you explain me step by step? I will be very greatfull to you if you can!!!!!!!!
  13. I found only winterberg mod winter 2009, but I saw movie on you tube about winterberg 6.9, and I want that mod, can you tell me how or where I can download that mod???
  14. Thank you!!! But I steal don t know how to run that updater for latest version of winterberg mod! Can you tell me how?
  15. Hy, can you tell me where i can download winterberg mod 6.9 or 7.0? I am from Croatia and I am big fan of emergency game but here in Croatia emergency game is not pupular and becoause of that i have a problems with information about game and winterberg mods. Please, answer me
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