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Everything posted by trocks6

  1. I dunno..... I just help people alot on the forum..... And i feel like doing it now.
  2. Because you are bored, and tired. (trocks6 gots the mid-night shift)
  3. Because it comes after thursday.
  4. Okay, I am usually on here alot so if you have any questions you know where to find me I'm not that tired! I have to wait for my game to come!!! although it is 11:00 P.M. Lol
  5. Interesting.... Good thing he didn't he didn't go far or hide!!!!!!
  6. Oh, Ok thank you Miked for telling us that. We appreciate it.
  7. I really don't have a clue on what he is trying to conclude. Can you give us a little more information? That would be very helpful for us to understand. Thank you - Trocks6
  8. What do you mean by 9-11? You mean the terrorist attack?
  9. In real life a warehouse burned to the ground by a crane many town fire department's came and help put out the fire, the multiple car crash was on the game dudes
  10. Multiple Car Crash , very interesting actually.... umm happened like a hour ago. Got bored...
  11. There are more too like stroke, heart attack, unknown type fire , brush fire etc.
  12. trocks6

    Tiller Truck

    Hi, please download patch 1.9 and that should fix that problem otherwise reinstall your game. Enjoy the forum -trocks6
  13. We are just discussing if there should be a bulldozer in the next modification update, But it is up to the creator if they want to put it in or not.
  14. I use the Lax ambulance in free play mode
  15. trocks6


    Hi, to the forum!!!! I'm glad you figured it out, if you have any other questions just ask.
  16. there are many events that may occur at times maybe more then 1 like for an example you go to a car crash and while you are going to it there is pickpocketing. so if you are up to the challenge you may control the city while having 2+ sidejobs at times in the freeplay mode that is why you always have your fire department stocked and ready to go. Once i had like 4 fires at once happening throughout the city, i sent 2 fire trucks to every fire, had them all out within a matter of minutes. And to the forum
  17. I have Vista, and this is the steps i take to play. 1. Run emergency 4 2.Click the Modifications 3. Find la mod 4. Click la mod 5. Click load 6. Mouse will freeze but that is perfectly normal 7. Goes back to home screen 8. Click campain or click freeplay your choice! 9. Game loads!!!!! And your off to playing
  18. Hi, i think you do very good work on all of your mods! I like all of the vehicles and emergency resources. The chase command is very helpful too. Keep it up - Trocks6
  19. Hi, to the forum, For an example if you have a fire truck out it will cost more to send another one out, the more you have out the more it will cost to send more out. Hope this helps!
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