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Posts posted by Corsair

  1. Hey mindcat,

    I wouldn't suggest making directional lights left, directional lights right, and directional lights stop. In a forum, a certain member told me that Emergency 4 wasn't meant to handle scripts like that. It doesn't mean you can't make a script like that, it just means that more crashes can happen. I also thought about this idea but the member told me it could cause more lag or crashes. STILL I SUPPORT YOU FULLY NO MATTER WHAT. I SUPPORT YOU IN DOING IT AND PROVE THAT EMERGENCY 4 CAN HANDLE IT. If you ever need help with anything, just tell me and I will help you. Good luck with everything -Corsair

  2. Yeah I checked the cone. I found out the cone was not the one I was looking at. It was a cone in Vehicle/06 Object/ Traffic cone and I was looking in Models/Objects/ LA Equipment and that's where the cone appeared but the scrip told me the model was in Model/ Vehicle but I would have never looked there since the cone isn't a vehicle. Anyways, I copied a working script from another mod and it worked. Thanks for everything! 

  3. Hello again,

    I have encountered another problem with my private mod, when I place a traffic cone it shows a white box saying missing model file. So I tried everything from replacing some files to deleting some files and putting other ones. The only thing I remember that could have maybe done this was accidentally deleting a file without knowing how important it was. I still have the normal traffic cone file with the prototype and model but it still doesn't work. Heres a picture of what I mean:



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