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Posts posted by tysohug

  1. 1 hour ago, Mark Flamerine Curley said:

    A police accident sign as that we be an amazing addon and I could use it for MVAs and big scenario like calls where I have to close off the road and I'd rather use that rather than the officer directing traffic as the sign is more realistic than an officer redirecting unless it is a out traffic light because a police officer is usually directing traffic at an out traffic signal til it can be fixed but other than that, I would use the sign


    1 hour ago, superhuman568 said:

    i second this i think it would be better for rp and very practical 

    I Third this

  2. 7 hours ago, n00bingtarget said:

    I'm a former Vol. FF.  I was going to be a career, but 2 weeks before I was supposed to start on Green Bay Fire Department, they diagnosed me with Asthma (was sick at the time with a nice chest cold, maybe that sku'd the test).  Now no city will hire me.  Worst, I have the degree, I interned with a fire department for 2 semesters, and had been a volunteer for about 6 years when that happened, and I knew I could do the job.  I was a paid-on-call (similar to Vol. for those of you not familiar with it, just we get a wage when we have a call and respond) after the diagnosis too.

    Oh well, guess things happen for a reason.  I really do miss it.



    I wouldn't be able to cope with that news. How have you coped?

  3. 2 hours ago, MikeyPI said:

    The Adults talk comment IMO was pretty cheap, but I digress on that point.  I would not have approved your post if you were not allowed to express your opinion... That being said, things are not permitted to degrade into ** contests.. When you express your opinion, do not be surprised if others with opposing opinions state theirs as well.  Part of the right of being able to express your opinion is that you have to deal with others expressing theirs as well.  The key thing for my part of it is that everyone manages to do it in a civil manner.  Should that not happen is when we have to step in, frankly I have far better things to do so when I have to step in I tend to get cranky.

    As to my two cents on the thing, if people were less inclined to complain about things not moving at a pace which they wish it to and instead offer assistance at least there would be a ground to stand on.  To my view, to complain that I am not moving at a satisfactory pace to someone else's desires, thus making them disappointed weighs very little on me, given that I can think of many other things I can do with my time.  Compare that to someone coming in and saying "you guys have been going at this for a while, perhaps I can offer some help, here's the things I can do and here's some examples, perhaps I can lend a hand and help it along?  The latter would tend to make me more inspired, the former, well that's kind of a given.

    Play nice everyone and please keep it civil.  Belittling and berating one another just makes me cranky.

    Agree 100% 

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