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Posts posted by Chris1990

  1. This is extremely nice of you to say, it's very encouraging to hear this. Unfortunately we have a lot of members on this forum that has been verbally upset with us because of how long it has taken. For example, one member that goes by "Scott Madill" on Facebook has been harassing us on our Facebook group page for months. If you look at his comments he has made, it's people like him that delays us from releasing the mod. Why should people like him have our mod ? It's hard to make a decision like that.

    But we both want to let you guys know that we will never stop making this mod, until we necessarily have to. Thank you for those who stayed with us all these years, you are the reason why we sign back on this forum and keep working on the mod.

    Really is sad there are people out there that want something so bad that they get it into thier head that annoying/harassing you will actually get you guys to make it/release it faster.
  2. I can only speak for myself, but Im sure a lot of people in the community feel the same way as I do. Ive been reading this thread ever since it had like what, 80 pages ? Everyday when I boot up my PC I click the bookmark of this site, and check if there is a new post, or some sweet new pics, anything. I never asked how long it would take for the mod to come out, and I will never do so in the future. Why ? Cause I respect you guys for all the hard work you have put into this. And still do to this day as I am sure. You said that you werent sure about the support of the community as this point of the development process. Neither am I. People are not patient. And people on the internet even less so.

    But I can assure you, yes I can really promise you, that the people who were with this mod from the beginning, who have witnessed this develop and grow, mature and become more complex, will wait for this mod however long it will take, and they will be endlessy grateful. Just as I am. I cant make you work on it, and it is only your decision what you will do with this. Will it live ? Die ? Who knows other than you guys. Only know that youre not alone, and that not everybody is an asshole and being frustrated. Not frustration is what I feel but excitement. Pure joy from reading in this thread and looking at the screenshots.

    I hope youll make decision that youre comfortable with. Doesnt matter which way youll go with this. In the end the real life always counts more.

    All I know is that I will forever be grateful, and will always have deep and honest respect for your guyses journey.

    Thank you,

    Finn from Germany

    So right! Couldn't say it any better!
  3. Correct me if i'm wrong in this but is it allowed for a mod to be posted [WIP stage] even before all the permissions have been given? Its just up until release that all the permissions need to be approved before using that parties content in the mod correct? If so I say giving permission to use another parties content should be established first before allowing the post on the mod itself WIP stage. It's pointless for people to go through the process of making a mod and then have to completely stop it due to someone claiming ownership after going through the difficult work in a mod and then make the EMP community excited about its release.

    To sum up what I mean for an example is this: Giving someone a car first before they have their license or in this case letting someone make a mod first before getting permission to use another parties content.

    Ok so they switch it out, some people don't release them, but post them to see if they may get support to make them keep on going. AND then in the future maybe get permissions. But too say you don't have perms so don't post is dumb. Then no mods wouldn't be made.
  4. Just to say this mod has to be one of the best. Well done lads!

    Very interested in the idea you use Volunteer Fire. In Britain we have our own part time fire, which runs along side the wholetime service. This has been modelled in the Welfordshire Mod.

    I am interested in how the Volunteer service works in the US. In England the retained (part-time) firefighters usually work on a pager system, calling them in when a job occurs. From looking at your mod, I presume this is the same.

    I am interested in reading more how the Volunteer Fire runs in the US. If one of you would be kind enough to either jot a few notes in reply to this, or point me to a relevant website I would be most grateful.

    Thanks in advance

    Here are multiple links https://www.google.com/search?redir_esc=&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&hl=en-US&oe=utf-8&safe=images&q=how+us+vollintter+fire+sdepts+work&source=android-browser-type&qsubts=1430995027393&devloc=0#hl=en-US&q=how+us+volunteer+fire+depts+work+ i checked most over they looked ok but i quickly went over so there maybe some errors
  5. The mod runs on a mission-script for it's freeplay now, it no longer uses the original freeplay framework, so the "missions" in the game are what you play for the actual mod's freeplay now. We have no intentions of doing single missions in addition to the freeplay missionscript setup, because of the freeplay mission script though we will have more elaborate missions included along with the original style missions found in the basic freeplay.

    Very cool!
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