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Posts posted by 917893678251

  1. I thought you weren't from China, so this post's irrelevent surely?

    Being British we don't have SWAT per se. We have local Armed Response Units (in ARV's that are normally Ford Galaxies or Vauxhall Merivas) but Thames Valley Police (my area) also have an armoured Land Rover for siege sitatuions

    The ARU's in my area all have the Glock 17 sidearm and normally the MP5A3 SMG, although they are starting to use the G36C and Colt M16 Assault Rifles.

    The OC-D

    I am from China,someone doesn't know me well enough :)

  2. The fastest SWAT force in the world. I don't know how they can freakin jump in vans :O. Their SWAT officers nationwide in different sectors including the PAP,SPU,SWCU,PLA Special operations force, and immediate action unit adds up to like 800 thousand.



    This is why Al Qaeda doesn't mess with China.

  3. I get like 6 heavy rescue vans,get half with shields,I try to use the flashbang method,but like it's ok i guess,I just take long to arrest. BTW,I had a fire engine stuck when some rioters popped out of nowhere,there was like 15,I shot them all down,then got a MCU and two large ambulances to save them!

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