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  1. im sorry, but that pisses me off... other countries send our people down to help them and try save survivors and there are people who try to kill them... I dont get. :angry:

    Dude,they didn't tell you that a prison broke down and 4000 prisoners escaped,that's why they're being shot,they're criminals that escaped.

  2. As far as I know,Haiti does have ambulances but very few,they're all run by the red cross. Sucks being in poor countries like this when you are in an earthquake though,they don't have any national disaster response team like the national guard or China's people's armed police.

    ·China sent an emergency rescue team Wednesday evening to quake-hit Haiti.

    ·Chinese leadership expressed sympathy with and deep condolence to the Haitian people.

    ·China's Red Cross Society decided to donate 1 mln U.S. dollars of emergency aid to Haiti.

    BEIJING, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) -- China sent an emergency rescue team Wednesday evening to quake-hit Haiti, where several thousands of lives may have been claimed.

    Chinese leadership expressed sympathy with and deep condolence to the Haitian people for their loss in the strongest ever quake in about 200 years in the Caribbean islands country, with which China has no diplomatic relations.

    A female armed police official helps fastening helmet of a female member of a Chinese rescue team before the 50-member team's departure for quake-hit Haiti, at the Capital International Airport in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 13, 2010. The team consist of search and rescue personnel, who have conducted many rescue tasks of this kind in the past years, and three sniffer dogs.

    A female armed police official helps fastening helmet of a female member of a Chinese rescue team before the 50-member team's departure for quake-hit Haiti, at the Capital International Airport in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 13, 2010. The team consist of search and rescue personnel, who have conducted many rescue tasks of this kind in the past years, and three sniffer dogs. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli)

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    Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao have demanded the related Chinese government departments and rescue group to help uncover those being buried, protect Chinese nationals there and provide humanitarian aid.

    China's Red Cross Society has decided to donate one million U.S. dollars of emergency aid to the country, which was hit Tuesday by the 7.3-magnitude earthquake at about 4:53 p.m. local time (2153 GMT).

    The epicenter of the devastating quake was located under the sea, some 15 km southwest of the capital city Port-au-Prince, home to an estimated four million.

    Members of a Chinese rescue team with sniffer dogs are ready to board a plane leaving for quake-hit Haiti, at the Capital International Airport in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 13, 2010. A 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Haiti on Tuesday local time, collapsing a hospital and damaging government buildings in its capital city of Port-au-Prince. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli)

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    Power supplies were cut off and communications were interrupted as many buildings, including hospitals and the presidential compound, were damaged.

    Eight of the 125 Chinese peace-keeping policemen, who were deployed there last June to safeguard social security, were also buried under debris, said a statement from the Chinese cabinet, the State Council.

    A "massive number" of people of the United Nations mission, including the 9,000-strong multi-national peacekeeping mission, were still missing after the calamity, according to an anonymous UN official.

    The Chinese rescue team took off from the Beijing International Airport at about 8:30 p.m. and is expected to arrive at Port-au-Prince after a 20-hour flight.

    Members of a Chinese rescue team are ready to depart for quake-hit Haiti, at the Capital International Airport in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 13, 2010. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli)

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    The team included search and rescue personnel and doctors, who have conducted many similar tasks in the past years, as well as three sniffer dogs.

    "Most of the members are very experienced," said Liu Xiangyang, deputy chief of the National Earthquake Disaster Emergency Rescue Team, before their departure.

    The team will also take some 10 tonnes of food, equipment and medicine on the special plane.

    "We take limited equipment and personnel due to time deadline, limited capacity of transportation and long-distance," said DoctorHou Shike, head of the medical group.

    Chinese leaders are very concerned with the safety of Chinese nationals including peacekeepers, compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and overseas Chinese, said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu.

    "We are in belief that the Haitian people, under the leadership of their government, will overcome difficulties and rebuild their homes at an early date with the help of the international community," Jiang said.

    A 50-member Chinese rescue team is ready to depart for quake-hit Haiti, at the Capital International Airport in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 13, 2010. (Xinhua/Xiang Guangli)

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    The Center for Consular Assistance and Protection under China's Foreign Ministry has opened its 24-hour consultation service.

    China is also a major victim of earthquakes, including the May 12 quake that hit southwest China's Sichuan Province in 2008.

    Via the Internet, Chinese netizens, prayed and expressed their condolence to the Haitian people, living on the other side of the globe.

    "We are together, We are family," read one of the more than 8,000 comments posted on the popular website sina.com.

  3. I could have sworn you said in your Country? Do you live in China? No.

    Anyways, country, i live in the USA and it carries. Hard to describe EMS based on the cuntry but lets see here, its pretty much either the fire department provides EMS, or a private company. In terms of country, discussion over.

    Now if you want to narrow it down to say, city, in that case FD provides first in medical aid until AMR arrives for ALS and patient transfer.

    Your SD has an ambulance? The only time I really remember seeing ambulances is they were once used for CSI here, and I think they still should be as theyd have far more storage room then the pos jeep Cherokees we use now.

    Apparently the EMSS does provide ambulances for the whole country of China,their website is http://www.emss.cn,if you want english,it is http://www.emss.cn/english/index.asp.

  4. I am talking about companies or large organizations to provide people with ambulances and ambulance care.American Medical Response currently serves our suburban area and EMSS serves all of China with it's 120 rescue centers/first aid centers,999 also operates only in Beijing,China as a private company.San Fransisco has FD ambulances along with AMR.Guangzhou 120 with it's site http://guangzhou.emss.cn has 194 ambulances covering the urban city and smaller rural areas through it's hospitals.

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