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Posts posted by hunter42

  1. Do you really need to know what other games I have?

    "Hey, I want some stuff from the supermarket, can you get it for me?"

    "Yeah, sure. What do you want?"

    "Eggs, apples, bread, toilet paper, carrots, soup, etc"

    "Etc? What else is it you want?"

    "Do you really need to know what else I want?"

    So yeah, if you want people to play games with you, it's kinda necessary to give a proper list. Just a suggestion :)

  2. Simcopter is one of the best heli sim games created. There are a large variety of missions such as fires, medical pickups, runaway trains, car crash, etc. You got paid for each successful mission, and there were also minor incidents that you could deal with for some small cash - I know there are at least 3, but I only remember speeding vehicles which you could follow and use the loud speaker to force them to slow down.

    IIRC, the game has a lot of difficultly working on XP and probably doesn't even work on Vista/7. I'm gonna go find out :)

    There's also City Crisis on the PS2. It had about 3-4 helicopters featured in the game and basically had 3 different missions: Rescue people from burning buildings, extinguish burning buildings and aid police in pursuing a suspect. (Sadly, it wasn't all a big open city with missions coming at random, you selected them from the main menu)

    Fire could also spread throughout the building which made it quite fun and quick paced. The graphics weren't the best for it's time, but it did feature a medium sized city to fly around (which you didn't see much of since you had to focus on the mission, but using cheats allowed you time to explore). Controls weren't very good though, and there weren't many missions either. Kinda a time waster game tbh.

    There was also Air Ranger and Air Ranger 2 for PS2 aswell. They had decent graphics but I think the maps were far smaller than City Crisis, as the game focused on the immediate area of the mission, rather than whatever was 5 miles away.

    But Simcopter has too bad graphics

    No it doesn't. It has good graphics for a game that's 14 years old. The graphics old, yes, but they're not bad.

  3. Nice one Hunter. It's just the kind of reviews I wanna read. The game looks good but I'm not going to buy it because I know nothing about German and this won't let me enjoy it. About the graphics. There are some 90's computer games that are still great and people play them although they have bad graphics. So this shouldn't be a reason not to buy the game.

    Thank you :)

    Yea, the German kinda ruined it for me too. English and German may be related to some extent, but when it comes to fire fighting, that saying just goes right out the window :P

    Although there are still classics out there, people will probably read "2010" and expect really good graphics and what not. Then when there isn't good graphics, they moan and forget some of the best games never had amazing graphics. Shame really.

    I'm trying to get round the problem of of image capture. I can't PrtSc and alt+tab cause that crashes the game (and it acts like there was no image captured). The free version of Fraps to BMP and a certain resolution I think... But anyway, I think the pictures would look better if I can get PrtSc to work - might try windowed mode.

  4. Some more images:


    You sometimes need to block off streets for safety


    Extra manpower is always good for tackling fires


    Waiting for the ambulance to turn up before evacuating the house


    Spilt gas discovered at a car crash scene


    Medics move in the treat a victim

  5. Right then, a review... of sorts.

    Feuerwehr-simulator 2010 was developed/co-developed by Vstep, a Dutch company that creates training simulators for emergency services.

    Feuerwehr-simulator simulator features 11 missions (including 4 tutorial missions that introduce you to the mechanics of the game), vehicle driving from the view of the firefighter, and a range of tools you'd expect to find on a fire engine.

    The vehicles

    There are a total of 5 fire service vehicles featured in the game. However, you will only ever drive one of them to the scene.

    Fire engine


    The fire engine is the vehicle you'll only ever get to drive. It will carry the four firefighters that you can control to the scenes of accidents and has all the equipment you'll need. It has a reasonable speed too, so unless you go the wrong way, you won't arrive late.

    Turntable ladder


    The turntable ladder is introduced about 5 missions into the game. You don't get to drive it, but it will normally arrive at the scene shortly after you do. If you're playing a mission that requires the turntable ladder, then you'll find the fire engine will only have two firemen in it while the other two travel in the turntable ladder.



    The ambulance arrives in almost every mission once the commanding officer has called for one. The paramedics take away anyone involved in an accident for hospital treatment - simple really.

    Fire chief's car


    The fire chief's car carries the fire chief... as you'd expect. The fire chief is the fifth fireman that you can control ingame, but he doesn't help the four firemen with their job. The fire chief carries a radio that allows him to call control when you're on scene, call for an ambulance or for a fire boat.

    Fire boat


    The fire boat is only featured in the last mission and cannot be interacted with in any way. You can see the fire boat in the last mission, and it does extinguish a fire, but that's about it.

    The missions

    Missions are quite well varied and kept realistic - there's no dramatic events that happen half way through like in EM4. The missions are:

    Training: Driving

    Training: Vehicle rescue

    Training: fire fighting

    Small house fire

    Autobahn accident

    Car fire at gas station

    Accident in tunnel starts fire

    Train vs car results in fire, injury and gas leak

    Training: Ariel ladder

    Pipeline fire at warehouses

    Cargo ship fire

    Gameplay and impressions

    There's a lot that is wrong with this game - mostly bugs. The fire engine appears to jump back and forward as you drive, the siren is poorly looped and firemen don't hold equipment (it just hovers next to their hand).


    example: The Feuerwehrmanns are magical!

    There are less obvious glitches also, such as the fire engine siren sounding for a split second while you choose the pressure level for the hoses, or if you have the Ariel ladder deployed, it can move forward an inch if you turn the commander's radio on and off. It soon becomes apparent that the game is bug ridden and much could've been improved.


    covering a gas spill - now hands free!

    For example, textures. They're very basic and lack detail. Here's an example:


    The road is a sort of uniformed grey and there's no grass, just a green ground. No shadows, no dynamic lighting, and the lights on the fire engine don't change colour when they're on - it's just a flash that appears above the light (can't see it in the screenshot).


    radioing dispatch for an ambulance.

    So there's a lot that's wrong with the game, does that make it bad? Far from it! This is a great game that tries to stick to accuracy as much as possible, and it succeeds well. There are some things that don't seem very accurate, like the fire hose doesn't extend very far before you need another one (that might be accurate, not sure) and firemen don't do anything until you control them - but that happened in EM4 and it was still a great game.


    Here's a good example - Stabilisers for the car have to be in place before you cut the roof and door off. Many times I have forgotten this and spent ages trying to figure out why it wouldn't let me cut the victim out. Another feature is limited water on board the fire engine. This can be resolved by connecting the water supply to a fire hydrant - not forgetting to turn the hydrant on of course.


    Lots of hoses will be scattered around during a fire - just like in real life


    The hoses connected to the rear of the engine - the middle one labelled "2" has two hoses connect that head off to a hydrant.

    So. The big question: Is it worth buying? Well, that depends on you.

    Are you the sort of person who moans that EM2012 graphics need to be much better because they're similar to EM4? Are you the sort who buys every generic shooter going just because it has better graphics? If you are, then you should probably steer clear of this game.

    Or are you the person who can sacrifice graphics for a different style of game play? Then this game could be for you.

    Although the game comes from a big-ish company, it is almost like an indie game. It's micro-management, like in EM4, but you get direct control over units. I find it good fun, and the glitches are hardly annoying or prevent you from playing. The only complaints I have is that there's not enough missions and no modding possibilities.

    So if you can put up with bugs, a foreign language and basic graphics, then you might want to consider this.

    some things I forgot to mention:

    1) All firemen (minus fire chief) can equip the helmet and breathing apparatus. However, it's only the first fireman that can set the levels on the apparatus.

    2) All tasks have a certain time limit, visible in the bottom right (green is good, yellow is about half way through and red means you're almost out of time). However, the game gives you plenty of time to achieve the tasks.

    sorry if the quality/size seems strange - prtSc and alt-tabbing doesn't go down well with the game so I used Fraps.

  6. Fixed my pc. Man I'm a genius! lol

    @Hunter I'm waiting for your review on Feuerwehr-simulator. ;)

    What was wrong with your PC?

    I shall do that tomorrow. Gonna finish the last mission at some point, then get some screen caps and write something. :)

  7. What a good day - Feuerwehr-simulator 2010 arrives and the Mafia II demo is released. (Hope the computer can at least run it on medium...)

    Our school starts in exactly one week :(

    *Ami89E1234 just realized he should do his summer homework*

    Har. Do what Nick says. BTW, what's the homework?

  8. I know this topic was made back in May, but I was just thinking:

    What about something like an auto delete system that removes threads once they reach a certain page in the forum section? I know that isn't clear, so I'll try and explain:

    Currently in the Los Angeles Mod section, there are 21 pages. Everything past page 10 is a locked thread. All these threads are useless too, since the majority of them are help for V1.9 and suggestions. So why not an auto delete system that deletes a thread if it's bumped off of page... 13 perhaps? It's a similar story with most of the sections (although some would need manual cleaning).

    I don't know anything about servers or web-hosting, but could removing old threads not bring some sort of benefit at all?

  9. Ireland's worst air disaster occurred early this morning when a small two seat Cessna plane crashed into a cemetery. Search and rescue workers have recovered 1,826 bodies so far and expect that number to rise as digging continues.

    Didn't this commercial just come out in the states? There is already a gif of it?

    No idea, havn't seen the advert - what's it about?

    AT&T is the best mobile service provider

    *ATT rant*


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