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Everything posted by MLDRMB

  1. If I was making it to only Police calls, would I have to remove the 'gasexplosion' prototypes from the map to rid them, or just simply change the value?
  2. Steps: 1)Go into editor 2)Open LA Mod 3)When loaded Go to Vehicles>Civil-Cars(Trucks/07 LA Civil/etc.) 4)Click on the vehicle you want to make into a unit 5)Click 'CLONE' 6)In the right square click the .. to the point to where you should see 01 LA Ambulance 02 LA Fire Department 03 LA Police etc. 7)Double-click 03 LA Police 8)save to whatever you want it to be called 9)Top of EDIT box opened after Cloning there should be a name tab, change it to whatever you want to call it 10) Click 'TRAITS' Look for a drop-down box saying 'No Squad Vehicle' 11)Change it to Police StW 12)Hit OK 13)Click 'LIGHTS'/Edit lights(Blue light means Code 3 light, it can be any color, it just calls it bluelight because the default units all have blue lights) 14)Click OK 15)Click 'COMMANDS' 16)Give it whatever commands you want it to have(Vmcd are LA vehicle commands, but it can have commands with the Vmcd in front, just as long as it isn't a person command{Pmcd, draw weapon, arrest,etc.}) 17)Click OK 18)Click OK 19)Close Editor 20)Open C:>Program Files>Wizzard Works/Sixteen Tons>911FR/Em4>Mods>LA Mod>Units>Vehicles>Police 21)Copy the 120unmarked file 22)Paste/rename to what the unit is called 23)Edit XML file inside folder using Notepad 24)Name it(For both freeplay AND campain)Where it says <unit id="CV_UMPC"> 25)Change the prototype(Where it says <prototype name="mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/03 LA Police/cv_umpc.e4p," change the cv_umpc to whatever you called it when you pressed 'CLONE'{make sure the .e4p is behind it}) 26)You're basically done now, if you're fine with it not having an in-game name like 'New Car' instead of 'ID_NEW_CAR(etc.)'
  3. I ban you cuz I lost my Pop Tarts :/
  4. I ban you because I got an Ice Cream Factory, Taxi Service, a house, and a mansion in one night's gameplay GTA Vice City cuz I got it last night and did all of that from the beginning in just one night
  5. I ban you cuz I'm on Spring Break

    GTA 5

    I say it'll be for Los Angeles reasons being: A) They have a s*** load of games already placed in LA, so getting map ideas and building ideas will be a breeze B) Miami already has 2 GTA games out about it, Los Angeles only has one, and most people get tired of the same map in basic, were as LA's map would be almost COMPLETELY different than GTA SA's map given the fact all of it was the same compared size of GTA IV's Dukes/Broker Island, maybe even Bohan C)All of what Voodoo put in his first post comes into account to, so... My vote is with Los Angeles
  7. I ban you for banning others that banned other others, that banned other other others and might possibly had banned a moderator
  8. I ban you because I was just denied the right to have a jog
  9. I like Redwolf's M1 Grand And sorry to say, but I'm not fat, and in my airsoft club I'm the 2nd best AND has had the less time in the club
  10. I ban you cuz I know what SA:MP means
  11. So I'd gotten 100% in my GTA SA, but the data got corrupted and I've been trying the download and install 100% savefiles, but it keeps taking me to the very beginning, cutscene and all. Advice or solution to this problem?
  12. I ban you becuase GTA SA is awesome
  13. I ban you cuz my GTA SA is starting to mess up
  14. I've encountered an issue with Paint.Net: I had issues load files to skin using it, so i drew some lines and saved it as a .dds file, which worked, but it wouldn't load it. Am I doing anything wrong?
  15. Does anybody know what a UV mapper is?
  16. Sorry to say, but paintball is legit.
  17. MLDRMB

    LA Noire

    Nice, I've been waiting for a police simulator to play around with, since play all the Police Quests over again got a little boring Looks awesome and can't wait :D :D
  18. I ban you because I ban err'body here win
  19. @matte31's vid: A) He wouldn't have the balls to shoot a cop B) He'd miss anyways
  20. I ban you because SC is better than NC
  21. Manuel looks great guys! One question, for the ladder will you have the switchbox (controls to the ladder) or whatever it's called (been awhile) be something to be controlled or no? Plus, how's the NYPD looking? Or is that another secret ?
  22. He needs to just fire his guards and go back to middle school And to stop getting in trouble with the cops
  23. Yes, there will be NCFD and BCEMS skins, aw well as the Air Force Base, not Army
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