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Posts posted by bsbllthirteen

  1. Be patient, don't double/triple post, if you have not noticed there are already a ton of mods that have taken most the people who can do things.... So you have to just wait or try to recruit people through other techniques, advertising a mod that you have no idea where will go with no direction is not really going to be the most productive measure.

    oh sry im just a really impacient person ill try to wait

  2. Ok so i would like to start a mod but i have really no knowledge of making a mod. Soooo all that i can do is skin and find pictures and maybe place objects on the map but other than that i cant do anything. So i was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me out and help me make this mod.

    I havent decided on where to place this mod either, Boston, My hometown(Beacon, New York), or Washington D.C. you guys help me decide.

    and if you put other please specify what you had in mind

  3. More skins i have done,will work on Fire engine 1 and 2 when i get time

    But willbe re skinning some models from the original game first,mainly buildings

    wen i wen to reskin the ladder there was nothing there but a wheel.......in paint.net this is......i unpacked the file and now there is nothing but a wheel do you know what i have to do???

    they look good by the way

  4. Yes, it's a good idea but I don't know if I can make the river accessible. The whole river is a 3D-object and the sides might be too steep for a fire fighter to go down.

    I can put a car in the river, but without injured people or any other things that require vehicles/personnel to go down.

    you can make it a 2 car inncident where there is one car in the water without anyone in it and then have a car on a bridge with someone in it and one person laying on the ground or something like that

    just a thought :D

  5. Most of us use Z-modeler 2. There is a free version and a paid version. You need the paid version to get units 'in game', but you can use the free version to practice making models first.

    umm is there any other program i can use besides zmodeler because for some reason zmodeler doesnt wanna download on my computer

  6. Programs you need to use or want to buy:

    - Emergency 4; editor is already included

    - WordPad; for editing .xml and .script files.

    - Zmodeler2; Registered version. Zmodeler2 is relatively cheap and has the .v3o plugin to be able to export and import .v3o files.

    - Adobe Photoshop (recommended by most people including me) or Paint Shop Pro

    Best way is to start with the easy things in the following order to learn modding.

    1. Changing textures to learn working with software like Photoshop.

    2. Emergency 4 coding; How mods are set up. And how to do things like adding cars, changing lights on cars and changing maps. Basicly to get used to the Emergency 4 editor.

    3. 3D-moddeling. Use my tutorial or different tutorials available on the internet. Try to make small things first or try to edit existing models. Try to make bigger models later. Don't stop until you are able to make 'acceptable' models for this game.

    4. UV-mapping. Creating textures for your models. You already should know how to use the software (step 1).

    5. Adding new vehicles to mods and make them work ingame. Read the 'Adding vehicles' tutorial to understand that.

    6. (optional) Scripting. Takes about a year before you will be able to create simple scripts if you don't have C++ experience already. Scripting is trial and error; even for me

    Good luck,


    thanks this is going to be hard but i got a long life ahead of me(hopefully keeping my fingers crossed) and it will take some time but i wont give up

  7. Um, with no experience, it would be best for you to reskin what hoppah and other authors made... That way you learn the basics, and have something to use. This is fine, as long as you don't release it, then you'll get in trouble. I suggest start with re skins, and work your way up to slight model modifications, then more and more in depth, and eventually you'll know enough to start making new units and that, plus you'll have a mod to play even before you can model :)

    what program should i use to make models???

  8. How hard would it be for a guy with no experience in modding and no clue how to script and make 3d models ect. learn how to make a mod???

    I would love to make my own mod but i dont know how and i was wondering if i should learn and take a couple of year to make a mod or just keep reskinning hoppahs models for my own use

  9. Why use paint if you have a far advanced program like photoshop? Paint is good and all that but it cant compare to PS.

    As to the person wanting dds files in ps, just look at the download center here, or search google for dds plug in and there is one on the nvidia website(same one just different d/l locations).

    yea i know but he said "if he could get photoshop" so i was giving him an alternative

  10. I beg to differ on that, I've skinned for a bunch of games and some of them were near impossible to skin. And to get everything lined up right and everything takes some work. I wish I could get photoshop to work with dds files so I can see how the skinning process is on here so I can make my own variations.

    just use PAINT.NET

  11. ok small update i finished the amtrack squad car ( mad for fun it is the blue one ) and the miami-dade technal rescue colapse unit ( has the same equitment as usar ) here is the story... Two amtrack patrol cars were driving along the tracks to check on the maitmence facility when they dicoverd a train accident where a train had struck a car and a truck had run into a baracede ( did not have a better event ) the victim was removed as the colapse unit arrived for extracton of the conductor of the train. Enjoy feedback is welcome.


    nice looks good but how did u unpack the second file for the fire engine because its not in my editor

  12. Question.

    Why aren't re-skins allowed? 100% complete and total creation of the LA Mod is given to you (Hoppah), and people aren't releasing your Mod with different vehicles so why not allow re-skins to be shared. It's not like there doing any different work then you, and it takes true talent to do what they've done. Not to mention theoretically speaking all US engines are similar in design, so by saying "design your own models and we'll see", that's a round about statement that doesn't end.

    Plus, LA? I mean really whats so special about LA wild fires? Drug addicts, yeah its a big city but no one cares about it. Your from another country granted, but how many immigrants come to America and say "Lets go to LA!" none. If LA was so important they'd have made a series about it, have they? Lets see, Fire House USA (Boston), and Rescue me (NY), nope don't see LA anywhere.

    No offense, your works nice and all but this is an insult by not allowing other cities to share. Call it like you want, people don't like the truth but its time someone said something. I'm tired of people saying well we don't like it but what can we do.

    a little harsh dont yah think and hoppah made the mod so he can say what he wants when it comes to what people do with his work. and if you spent hours and hours to make something nice why would you want people just taking the easy way out and using your models to make there own

  13. EDIT IT!!!!!! MAKE IT LOOK LIKE THE SAME PAINT JOB FROM THE FIRST FILE YOU EDITED!!! IF YOU MAKE THE FIRST FILE LOOK LIKE A MIAMI DADE SCHEME, MAKE THE SECOND FILE LOOK THAT WAY TOO!!! Thats what I mean by EDIT IT! You change it too look like the first one! If i made the first file look like fdny, then i open the second file and make IT look like fdny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I mean is it really that hard to figure out? [sigh]

    Sorry. It is just so simple. :wall:

    No no not like that lol but when i click on it there is and error report saying "there was an unspecified error while opening this file" do u know how to fix that???

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