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Posts posted by bsbllthirteen

  1. 1. RENAME [do this in the directory without the editor] "water_tender_2.dds" to "water_tender_2.v3o".

    2. Go into the editor, and "unpack" the file you just renamed to [v3o].

    3. Exit the editor, go to the directory and name the file back to "water_tender_2.dds".

    4. Convert to JPEG using DDS Converter 2 or whatever.

    5. EDIT.

    6. When done editing, convert back to [dds] format.

    7. Copy/move and replace the old file with the new.

    I have to explain this alot, just please do some research on the site before asking all these questions. I dont know how many times I have posted this SAME "tutorial". :wall:

    i know your getting frustrated with this but i have one more question for you about this i promise

    how do i get to the directory???

    sry for bothering you :)

  2. There's nothing wrong with reskinning. Unfortunately, tho, you can't pawn it off as a submod. I see both sides. Hoppah's worked VERY hard for the past how many years to get his mod to the amazing shape it's in now, and wants the credit he rightfully deserves. Plus, by allowing reskins if new models are included, he's encouraging a fine art. On the other hand, many people don't have the talent to re-skin vehicles, and can get tired of playing with L.A. units. I'm from Canada, near Buffalo, NY, and I've never been to LA. I want to, but I'd personally like to see a more Northern or East coast mod. Nothing against LA or anything. But you're doing a GREAT job so far. Keep it up. :)

    Edit: By the way, :welcome: and congratulations on being promoted to Lieutenant

    O wow i didnt realize that thanks lol i should have the batalion cheif pic up sometime tomarrow

  3. I am making a bunch of reskins of Hoppahs models for my own mod and i was just wondering what you guys think of them

    I am making........


    Ambulance 1

    Ambulance 2

    Engine 1

    engine 2

    Ladder 1

    Batalion 1



    Police car 1

    Police car 2

    Police suv 1


    Ambulance 3

    Engine 3

    brush truck

    Police car 3

    Police car 4

    Dog search and rescue


    Ambulance 4


    USFS truck

    Police car 1

    Police car 2

    police van



    heavy equipment truck

    engine 4

    New York State-

    Bomb squad

    NYS highway patrol

    NYS SWAT heavy rescue

    NYS SWAT rescue 1

    NYS SWAT rescue 2

    NYS SWAT rescue 3

    Mass casualty


    Firestation 1

    Firestation 2

    Police station1

    Hospital 1


    Orange=working on it

    Red=not started

  4. ok go into the editor and under modifications there is somthing that says unpack. Click it and on the right is a scrool bar. go down to models and click on whatever you want. next find a spific unit. it should end in .V30 so click it and changed it to .dds.post whne you have done this and i will tell you the rest. :happy:

    how do i change it to .dds because when i get to the unpack file and then go to the vehicles and then double click on the vehicle the screen disapears

  5. First of all, I use MS Paint. It is much easier and I get better results. But you do what you want to do.

    Now make sure you have unlocked the file before converting it.

    In order to help I need more details:

    Do you get an error message?

    Is the file just not showing up? etc...

    well when i go to the file with all of the vehicles i click on one(fire engine 1 for example) an error message pops up saying "There was an unspecified error while opening this file"

    Hope that helps :)

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