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Everything posted by TACRfan

  1. It seems that every fire and rescue service has a different system and setup @Pottyscotty I also have not got a clue why Norfolk fire and rescue service use them, maybe it's just my local station but they have a red and white version of the black and yellow one that you have done. My guess is they might of been using it as a substitute for a yellow and black one that got damaged?
  2. I thought sector commander was given to brigade manager and only attends the most serious events, also @Rubuter they are used a lot of times by BA commander, the person who has the BA board and is in charge of all BA crews, they also can be red and white chequered. @pottyscotty normal firefighters can wear this vest if in charge of BA crews so you could make it so all firefighter could change in to this and have special commands like fall back and call additional fire fighters. It's up to you though
  3. The charger looks excellent, I can't help but feel that the light bar should be thinner though, but other than that great work
  4. All though it maybe a Denis rapier to most people they both look the same and to me they look very similar so I don't think it's an issue
  5. i love these dennis sabres will it have a blue light on a pole at the back or is there no blue lighting on kent's sabres
  6. Hi, i am trying to edit the zoom in game and i have edited the values in the cfg file and saved it but it still had no effect. it is saved and this in where i have it C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4 and its the em4.cfg i don't know why its not working and would really appreciate the help
  7. This mod is looking so good and damn that is a lot of code, I would not know where to start
  8. Looks great, I can't wait to play it
  9. After seeing this poll polygons will be used for every strobe and large led light bars
  10. I prefer coronas because the people without camera hack will find it hard to see the pollygons but people with camera hack will be able to see both types, it's fine on American vehicle (ambulances, fire etc) because they have lights as big as your face so you can see them without camera hack but on modern British vehicles the lights are a lot smaller
  11. I asked the same thing earlier, he said no
  12. Haha yea, I have it but the only mods I have is lspdfr and a trainer
  13. I Just wanted to let everyone who has/is installing mods on GTA V that the No clip mod and the Angry planes mod both contain trojan viruses that go after your passwords. http://gtaforums.com/topic/794383-possibility-of-trojan-downloaderspyware-installed-via-gta-v-mod Use windows search and type in "%appdata%", go into the local folder, temp and then the folder will most likely be random letters/numbers, some guy reported it being inside a folder call BAE2BCEE, so if you have that check if the malware is there. Inside the folder you should find an exe called fade.exe and a folder called data, delete both of them and make sure you delete the .asi is deleted too next time you boot up GTA V. After all of that is done, change all of your passwords, since none of them is safe anymore, including your Steam password.
  14. Ahh I love gov guides, have to study them a lot for my line of work,some parts are definitely interesting though. I also thought I would add this as this is quite interesting http://www.firesafe.org.uk/role-structure-in-the-british-fire-service/
  15. Looks great, would you consider adding an area of the map as a police training ground that has targets that we can command the fire arms guys to shoot, I think you can actually get targets in the editor
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