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Posts posted by AZNALUBMA

  1. Not sure if the future of the Emergency series should be "game" or "simulation".

    Many "normal" people wouldn't find the game interesting, and maybe neither we will, due to the lack of realism... I wonder which will be the targeted audience for the next episode of the series.

    EDIT: I mean the original game, without mods that make it a lot more funny and realistic

  2. At the end of the day, I personally put a huge amount of effort into this mod, effort that could have been placed in any number of other projects, both online and real.

    I shouldn't have to defend my work, not being bigheaded, but this mod is far more than the average 'reskin' and a few models from the online database type mods.

    After releasing v1, which was also fairly stable, I contemplated working only privately with a few guys we know, they enjoy our mods and we're good friends, but rafael talked me into staying a public project and version 2 had begun.

    After the comments we've received today, I for one no longer wish to contribute to this community, it's no longer fun and friendly, people are throwing cheap shots for no apparent reason. I'm not just whining because 'I can't take criticism', I took a shit tonne of criticism, in BETA TESTING, where it was constructive and useful. Like I said I shouldn't be defending this project, I'm pleased with it and I think it's pretty good for free.

    Anyway as stated I'm now in Uni, these last few days I've been working on the mod between parties and lectures, but it seems once again wasted time, so in summary, I've spoken to Rafael about v3 being private, so this topic will be purely pictures etc, it's up to him, I wouldn't be annoyed if he continued public, but there will be no further public contribution to this mod project from my end.

    Apologies to the few that will enjoy it, hope it's good and gives you a realistic simulation of the FDNY, but yeah after 2 releases and 2 rounds of 'slate the mod', I hope you'll understand my decision.



    p.s. - this isn't some stunt to feel sorry for myself so I'm not looking for members to suggest I stay on, this is more of just an announcement.

    This is a hurried decision IMHO.

    Just count the people supporting your project and the ones who don't... isn't it enough?

    If you want to "surrender" to such a little "opposition"... that's up to you... farewell, and thanks for what you gave to this "no longer fun and friendly" community.

  3. I don't care about Em2013, I just hope Emergency 5 will be better... Since my, let's say Our, "hobby" (you can also read "passion") is to get in game our units I don't expect new units, but at least new civil models, better effects (like in Em2012, they improved the fire/water graphics didn't they?) and a deeper gameplay (All the medical emergencies for example are the same, wich is kinda boring... we are not all doctors, but I think they should introduce some treatment options, or a simple triage/priority method, it's not that hard).

    I don't know if this is the correct thread to expose my thoughts about the new game but here they are.

  4. Is it possible to use this stretcher in the LA Mod? I have always loved this stretcher but could never install it in the LA Mod....

    I think you should check the animations, in facts this stretcher is like a "object" carried by a SINGLE paramedic, and so it's different from the classic stretcher unit which is made of 2 paramedics, so I don't know if it's possible to use. If you find a way please tell me :)

  5. Just got premmision from auther to change a moddel so i'm going to show you another update:


    Moddel - Nomex,Tobbi92;

    Skin - Nomex,Tobbi92,EmC-Unit;

    Childs - EmC-Unit.

    Great, I appreciate the original ladders on the roof, wooden ones like here in Italy... we don't use aluminium ladders

    can you post the original model picture? I wish to check a pair of things

  6. Only the one you already saw are free to download all the other stuff is in a mod, and they aren't 100% to download ;)

    Or you need to makee on by yoirself, or edit the already existing one

    Which mods?

    And...what if I want to "cut" the lifepak model from the interior of an ambulance model?

  7. the most important things I look for in a game like this are the following:

    -Realism: It's the first thing I care about in a simulation, so realistic uniforms, sirens, dispatches, procedures, CARS HANDLING

    -Tactical gameplay (and when I say tactical I mean REALLY tactical, like ArmA II if you can compare)

    -a deep gameplay full of options, from the character customization to the vehicles attitude.

    -Different gears: it would be great to have to choose the equipment to wear that fits better a situation than another one

    -Many weapons, used by the Real Life Law Enforcements, Lethal and not, from the pistol to the machinegun.

    -Many vehicles, from the patrol car to the SWAT van

    -Good animations

    -Great variety of missions, from the boring traffic to the most difficult hostage situation

    -Role selection. To let the player choose if dealing with undercover operations/special operations/normal duties

    -Freeplay mod

    -Realistic map, not the biggest map, but full of details, it's better!

  8. *UPDATES*

    Here we go, I reskinned the Bieberfelde mod emergency physician's car and added few medical equipment as you can see from the picture (Striker stretcher, spine and scoop boards, Zoll Defibrillator and O2 Bottle) post-35540-0-43038000-1344956569.jpgpost-35540-0-51610600-1344956573_thumb.j

  9. Hello! I'm looking for some medical equipment models to use in my mod. I need to get the following:

    a defibrillator (lifepak 12 or corpuls)

    an O2 bottle

    I checked the forums database (also the german one) and I've only found these ones, http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=Attachment&attachmentID=11140 but the monitor is a Zoll and the O2 bottle is really really small when you get it in game. I've seen many new equipment models in these years but I still wonder where I can get them- thank you!

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