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Everything posted by rsfjustin

  1. Hey, We're not starting a clan or anything, me and another player are looking for one or two more guys to play L.A. mod with us. PM me if you're interested at all, we usually communicate through Yahoo messenger to coordinate a game and use TS3 for communications during the game. We're usually on at around 7 pm onwards until late night, we're both volunteer firefighters (the other guy almost a professional)
  2. I am a little confused about the deployed units aspects of this mod, meaning the units at the firehouse or the ambulances outside of the hospital. After I click and use them, I send them back to HQ which i know is off the map. But how do i deploy it back into the parking space where it was orginally, or is that not possible. Disclaimer: I got this game yesterday (and I'm loving it!!!)
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