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Everything posted by Jelmer

  1. Are you going to make a safety car for the race track? Maybe these give you some idea's... http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Speedwa...000f2418760.jpg http://us1.webpublications.com.au/static/i...4/30430_9mg.jpg
  2. The police helicopter has an 'follow' option, if you click this on an escaping vehicle the police helicopter wil follow it an the escaping vehicle wil stop. Is it possible to give this option to (some) police vehicles? (for example only tot the the highway patrol vehicles) That way you don't have to put up roadblocks every time you have an car theft...
  3. My english is much better then my german so I hope I can get the solution here instead on a german forum. There's a new version of the winterberg mod (3.0 I think). When I play the freeplay the game crashes without an error and goes back to my desktopscreen. Are there more people who have this problem or is it just me (and mij PC). What can I do to avoid the crashing??
  4. Hoppah when you let an ambulance return to the hospital does it always uses lights and siren? Or can you let this depend on the stability of the patient? The last one would be the most realistic because if you have stabelized the patient 100% you don't have te rush it to a hospital, so the ambulance can drive without lights and siren.
  5. the counter says 10 victims, I've put 10 victims in ambulance vehicles. That should be enough I think because I can't send the vehicles back to base. But the objective doesn't turn green, how is that possible? I play it with the LA-mod, anyone has an idea? :23_31_4: :23_31_4: :23_31_4:
  6. Do I need to evacuate the non-injured persons with for example a police car?
  7. anyone? :23_31_4: I'm still stuck in this mission
  8. How many victims (injured people) are in this mission? I found 11 and put them al in ambulance vehicles, but the objective won't turn green :6: All other objectives are green allready
  9. Will there be a crashtender created for the mod? It was in the mod for EM3 and in EM4 are also some missions wich include airplanes so a crashtender would be nice. :1046275747_biggthumpup:
  10. I haven't been on the forum for a long time, but I bought EM4 on Bol.de and I thought let's look on the forum... :shock: :shock: Hoppah, what have you done!!! :shock: :shock: IT LOOKS GREAT!!! My compliments, I can't wait to play the mod myself.
  11. @ Hoppah, great mod! The only thing I mis in the freeplay is that the cars don't go back to their originally place in the garage, just like the Winterberg mod.
  12. I can't find the pictures you are talking about on the site. :roll:
  13. wow, nice screenshots. I can't wait to play it myself.
  14. I found a picture of a Pierce command center for the FBI in Los Angelos. It doesn't look anything like the one in the mod. I think this is a newer version, so I hope this one will come in a next version of the mod. Greetingz!
  15. maybe you need to update your videocard drivers.
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