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Ghost Graphic Designs

European Modding
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Everything posted by Ghost Graphic Designs

  1. Taken today when I went to get something to eat. (the doctor and nurse were having lunch inside the mall, too) EMS Fly-Car from S. José's Hospital in Lisbon.
  2. Sunset in Praia Grande, Sintra. My best photos, so far.
  3. Hi. I'm using this script to turn the headlights (set as Special Light) on and off (just like the flashing lights script, for example). The thing is that I can only turn the lights on and when I click on the script again, the lights stay turned on. Any idea of what I'm doing wrong here? Here's the script:
  4. Proud of this one: RSB Lisboa's Urban Tender 32, based in the 3rd Company, Alvalade.
  5. This happened today. I was in school and I had a test today. As I went up the stairwell, I saw lots of people around one of my friends. I went closer and I noticed that he was sweating a lot and his left leg was hurt. Apparently he made some kind of fracture on the knee as he was getting up to get in class. Me and a friend of mine tried to make everyone give him some space. Meanwhile, some teachers and the school nurse arrived. They started to see what was wrong and they tried almost everything to get him back up. 50 minutes later, I started to hear some boots stepping the ground and a couple beeping sounds. I finished my test and I went out. As I exit the classroom, I see two Beato FFs with a backboard, securing his leg. I go down the stairwell to get some pictures of the ambulance and this is what I see: about 60 kids around the stretcher making lots of noise and s**t like that. I take a picture of the ambulance and I talk to the security guard. After that, I go back up and I offer my help to take the EMT bag down to the ambulance. As we get down the staircase (my heart was beating fast because of the excitement, weird, I know), we shout to the kids to back up and give us some room. The FFs put my friend on the stretcher and some teachers and security guards went to help them. We walk to the ambulance (I still have the bag) and I wait outside the vehicle to give the bag to one of the FFs. They went to the Hospital and I got back to the class. ^^ Here's the pic I took.
  6. I was browsing my Facebook when I found this. From what I read, the vehicle was "donated for use at fundraiser". I can already see people making this as a submod.
  7. And that's it. My dream has come true. Thanks Hop.
  8. Sup people. Here's a badass multicam operator. Still dunno what to use it for. Enjoy and please leave some feedback. ^^
  9. I was listening to the online scanner a few hours ago. Seems like a pretty bad situation...
  10. Check the traits, you probably have the unit type wrong. If that doesn't work try to change the superstructures names.
  11. A couple of new videos filmed today... New MB Sprinter from Campo de Ourique's Volunteer Fire Department MB Sprinter from INEM (National EMS Institute) responding from one of the bases in Lisbon
  12. Yea. I wasn't sure about which file to edit.
  13. Set a high fire resistance for your fire trucks in the Traits menu (EM4 Editor). To make the fires spread slower, you must go to your emitters.xml file (correct me if I'm wrong) and set the spread rate to a lower value. That will only make the fires spread equaly faster and it will mess with the buildings
  14. Sorry for all of the problems... Freakin' postimage website died and I lost the pictures. Here's a reupload. IMGUR FTW
  15. Hi. I've been looking for a script that opens an individual gate, via-animation (and plays a sound). For example, I have 5 gates and the person/control panel has a open and close script for each gate. I know that LA Mod has a similar script, but to open all of the gates at once. Can someone help me out with this? ^^ Thanks in advance.
  16. Standalone EMS station. Rockport Fire Dept. will also have two ambulances in the main station. BTW.
  17. Dunno what to post, so I'm gonna put up my most recent creation. A Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2014 facelift rescue ambulance (ABSC 03) of a generic portuguese volunteer fire department.
  18. Rockport EMS Station 28 Every vehicle on this station will have the station ID (28) and the individual ID (1, 2, 3, etc.). It'll have three ambulances, one supervisor unit, a ESU (emergency support unit) and an incident response unit. The ESU will transport equipment and breathing apparatus, the IRU will transport 4 EMS paramedics and it will transport 6 victims. Enjoy!
  19. Rockport Police Department Officer - Model changes by me [512x512 texture size for total size optimization]
  20. Strategic Response Unit - Response/Raid Chevrolet Suburban The lights will be just like the Suburbans in the show and each vehicle will transport 4 S.R.U. operatives. Sorry for double-posting.
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