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Posts posted by Texas_DPS

  1. if you hit ignore it will ignore the scripts after the part where it errored. try this, intsall la mod 2.0, updates and additional units submod. go to the scripts and add the LRA where you want it, and the editor if need be. test and see what you get. the LRA is in the AUS, makes for a easier install with fewer errors.

  2. here is the deal, it works for the most part, just have these problems

    FireStation 1

    division vehicle wont rts (no spot at station)

    tiller does not park right

    (need to work on tofirestation script)

    - ambulance r1 opens gate 1 when rts - not a major problem


    FireStation 2

    obj_ambulance41 not defined (line 1148)

    ambulance22 doesnt have rts (dont know why it wont hold the command)

    battalion vehicle wont rts (no spot at station)

    (need to work on tofirestation script)


    FireStation 3

    hazmat rear door doesnt open

    soc truck doesnt park stright

    (need to work on tofirestation script)

    i think i need a break and help, please

    here is the script if anyone want to help


  3. if you ask, i am happy to show. I have been working on something a little different and old school. the three stations work, mostly. when the freeplay starts all 11 front gates open, spawn vehicles and staff vehicles. i am having a little problem with the tofs script but i have only really been hitting it hard maybe 5 days. it took about 3 days to get most of the problems and the fs and fs start scripts right. i had thought about breaking the fs return script into 3 seperate scripts but i was trying to be stuperman and make them all one. still toying with that idea.

    for all you non believers (there always is) i left the map open for the screen shots.







    (Xplorer hit me up and ill shoot you the files to check them out)

  4. Everything on the scripts look good to me. I dont see any reason for this but it happened and i cant get it to stop. The ambulance that is messed up is sopposed to be in FS2 but it appears in FS1 as seen below. I can make the ambulance not spawn and the problem is solved but as soon as i set that ambulance back up in any way it is back to this. Any help would be great.


    and the two scripts

    http://pastebin.com/KznENYDD - fire station

    http://pastebin.com/wgGGYBas - fire station start

    if need be i can provide more information.

  5. i have a working third station. i just need to fine tune the returnto script. i have mine integrated with the firestation and firestation start scripts. i can call units into all 3 stations, in the begining they all rais the front doors and sound alarm to man units, they also have a working show/hide roof as well as units returning to station get out and go inside. just needs some fine tunes.

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