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Everything posted by Texas_DPS

  1. that suv reskin looks money. i think you should make a movie with all this, lol. awsome look. - Jon
  2. after working on this script all day i have gotten no where. here is the script: ActorList l7 = Game::GetActors(VO_AMBULANCE01); for(int i=0; i < l7.GetNumActors(); i++) { GameObjectList gate01a = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE01A); for(int i=0; i < gate01a.GetNumObjects(); i++) GameObject *gate = gate01a.GetObject(i); Vector Ambulance01 = l7.GetActor(0)->GetPosition(); Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(OBJ_AMBULANCE02, UNNAMED); m.EnableBlueLights(false); m.SetPosition(Ambulance01); m.SetRotation(gate); m.UpdatePlacement(); m.SetMaxPassengers(2); m.SetMaxTransports(1); m.SetSpeed(12.0f); m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false); m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f); m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 2, false); } and here is what it looks like ingame: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3657/357666...2888a9d.jpg?v=0 is there are any ideas i would be open to try them. - Jon
  3. as for the swat helo you could always reskin the blackhawk and put swat members on it. but that is just me. - Jon
  4. http://nycpdcars.50webs.com/nypd1305.jpg - Jon
  5. thats cool, are you going to post pics..... just being nosy. - Jon
  6. im talking about making the suv paint scheme like that. lol. i would love to have a DPS truck. LOVE IT. - Jon
  7. you could make the paint scheme like this MDPD truck i found. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3610/338621...056c036.jpg?v=0 just an idea. enjoy. - Jon
  8. DOUBLE POST ON PURPOSE here is the new engine skin. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2450/357501...54217ca.jpg?v=0 enjoy - Jon
  9. It might be "politicly correct" terminology - Jon
  10. Lol. That is hilarious. We could also do reskins and see who likes each one. I might have my booster engine finished tomorrow, depends on what's going on. I like marked and unmarked units the same, keeps crooks looking. Plus umpc have a look to them and sometimes you just can hide your cruiser. - Jon
  11. yeah, i only did that one so far. i am working on the booster (usfs engine) right now. that red came from about an hour of playing with the red scale. its pretty close to the top right of the red, but not quite. questions, are you going to do the austin airport police and do you want the skin of that amr amb? i was going to make you the austin airport police just for fun, also cause these dfr trucks are killin me and it makes me feel better to help another texan out. - Jon ps, i guess we are eatch others fans, you got me started and the dallas personal mod with the dps and austin pd pic. thanks
  12. engine 1....took me forever to figure out which engine i wanted to use. this one looks more like the ones they use. i might put the stripe straight down the side like i seen the other day. who knows. enjoy http://www.flickr.com/photos/daddyto2boys/3572133348/ - Jon
  13. jab16, check this out. made it just for you....the one on the left. i dont know if i can send you the skin or not but we can get to that if you want it. - Jon EDIT: forgot to add the link...im an idiot and im tired. http://www.flickr.com/photos/daddyto2boys/3572092956/ - Jon
  14. are you going to add anything extra to your mod, like FBI police or something like that? - Jon
  15. I would say DC. I can get a lot of pics of DC police, FBI police and all that. Just dont know about the FD and EMS. - Jon
  16. jab16, nice. looking good. keep up the hard work. - Jon
  17. I ban you for not banning the person above you. - Jon
  18. I ban you for judging him about wearing a traffic vest. - Jon
  19. I ban you for having a 10 code in your name (10-29 - check records for warrant) - Jon
  20. thanks. I need to get off my but and figure out how to unlock the second set of skins so i can reskin the fire rescue vehicles. @jab16, do you have any more Texas picks from em4? - Jon
  21. I use this site for most of my police car research. Ill post the link stright to Florida police cars for ya. http://policecarsite.50webs.com/st9.html good hunting. - Jon
  22. jab16, awsome. I like it. you make me want to visit Miami.......maybe not. keep up the good work. - Jon
  23. so yeah....can I just send someone 40 bucks and they buy it and send it to me, lol, that sounds easy enough for me. - Jon
  24. how much is 19,95 in USD? - Jon
  25. jab16, you are the one that got me started on my Dallas mod with that pic of the state trooper and austin pd. - Jon EDIT: New screen shot of Dallas Fire Rescue Ambulances reskin. Enjoy. http://www.flickr.com/photos/daddyto2boys/3564403731 - Jon
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