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Posts posted by BGM17

  1. We are planning 2 retained stations on the map. The map is based on two rural towns, so we feel that 2 retained stations is quite fitting for this.

    We plan to also have 1 police station and 1 ambulance station.

    Nice one lads, a couple more things, are you guys thinking about a limited water supply, and how large is this fictional fire service, ie is there enough resources to for instance "make pumps 10" ect?

    thanks :)

  2. Stop giving members a hard time for wanting a release date, this thread first came in August 2010. It's your very own choice to go public with your development, so for the grace of her majesty suck it up or stop doing everything in public.

    It's like telling hungry people you're making them food, yet you only show them pictures of the food you're making and when they ask for when it's done you slap their fingers. That is not right in my opinion.

    i personally am happy to be shown snippets, it gives you something to look forward to?

    every single game under the god damn sun provides snippets and small details?, you got a problem with what these guys are doing, stop looking.

    these guys are doing great work, regardless of what any haters may say.

  3. Hey guys im not sure if your aware of the purposed sopa bill, it means that if the bill is passed our internet will be cencored

    more information here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-16596577

    in short this means that if your caught downloading films illegally you could be put in prison for five or six years

    this is rediculace

    please sign the petition against this here http://act.demandprogress.org/act/sopa_testimony?source=fb

    thank you

    and if this is against for rules, i apologies

  4. It doesn't matter if Rockstar get 1$ or 100,000$ they will still get sued, at the background they already know the rights Rockstar wrote in 2006. Well, i wrote a cute mail message to Rockstar Games in San Diego, and lets see what they say..

    Dude, hears an idea, shut up, no one to be quiet frank, gives a crap what you have to say.

    You can right as many "cute letters" as you like to rockstar games, how many letters do you think they get a day.

    Yours probably wont even get read even then they WILL NOT CARE. Get a life.

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