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Everything posted by Batt62

  1. lol, ok thanks, so lets say I don't quite know what I'm doing, what would I do to get this to work?
  2. lol, nice, ok thanks, so how would I verify that its my model? would it be small things like size of wheels for example? and which is better,(for reskining) ms paint or paint.net?
  3. lol, ok thanks, just wanted to make sure
  4. O, lol, I'm not sure how I missed that, thanks, so would posting this lower my chances (if any) to become a moderator?
  5. I know this will most likely lessen my chances of becoming one, but I was wondering what does it take to become a moderator?
  6. ok, cool, thanks, what do you use?
  7. Ok, cool, thanks, I'm hoping to start by reskining one of hoppahs models, I know someone was doing that a while ago, I think it was a new york rekin, and they used paint, but I was really confused on how to do that, how would you suggest to reskin something?
  8. I was hoping to get into modding, but I'm not sure where to start, should I start reskining models, should I start making my own? and If I made my own, what would be easy for a beginner to make? thanks Batt
  9. I'm wanting to, I just need to learn how, but I'm going to dig around the forum for that
  10. Maybe, but I wasn't sure where to post it, It was a question regarding the la mod models, so hopefully that will work, if not, I'm sorry for the trouble
  11. I was hoping to make some crown victoria models, now I don't know how to do that yet, but I will get around to it, but, my question was, if I make my own model and called it a crown victoria, and it looked like hoppahs model, (but it wouldn't be, it would be my own) would I be allowed to release it?
  12. Sweet, sounds great, thanks for the help! ( and the mod lol)
  13. hey, I'm just curious if anyone has solved the fire station panel crash problem.
  14. o, lol, when I last checked you had patch 2, lol, but hey a patch 3 is nice too lol, ok thanks, so patch three fixes most of these bugs?
  15. Hey I reinstalled the la mod, and then I installed shanes mod and I'm still having the same problem, (I downloaded it from the link thats on shanes post)
  16. Hi I was wondering what the la mod patch 2 does? I know you need it for shanes la submod, but It does say what the patch does
  17. Ok, thanks, really appreciate the help, I will give it a try
  18. Its a great mod, but I've noticed that after I staff station 1(or the bigger station) (or click the alarm button that makes everyone go to there engines)that it shows an error saying something about the script, has anyone else had this problem? and Is there anyway I can fix it? (and this happens after I have pressed it two or three times)
  19. I would agree, but I think this a cool map, but I don't see the point, I would rather play hoppahs new map instead of this, now down the road when hoppahs map starts to get boring I could see the point of this map but right now with his map only a few weeks old, I would stick with the la mod map, but I don't think this guys released it yet, has he?
  20. I know this has little to do with the la mod, but I was playing the la mod and I noticed that I couldn't rotate the camera, i could zoom in and out but I couldn't rotate, please help
  21. I'm really confused on how you install it, I extacted the folders, went into the AMR ambulance folder, then moved the la mod 1.9v folder into the actually la mod 1.9v folder, but it won't work
  22. OK sounds, good, but I thought voodoo, had missions that went along with the submod, (at least I thought he had 1 mission done) Is this true or was that his vision?
  23. I know a while back voodoo said he was hoping to have missions in this submod, so I'm wondering will there be any?
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