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Everything posted by puppysboy222

  1. Tonight around 6:00 I might be able to work on the ambo. Just need to add wheels, skins, and work on the side lights. After that comes the Utility which still needs to be converted, and finally the Vics before the stations. People will be after the stations, and then I will work on the vehicles again. And I might work on a banner. If you can get pictures of any of the listed units, that would be GREAT! Exspecially sides. Randomperson, do ya have EM3?
  2. Its about a siren script...Can I use it for the mod?
  3. I'm doin' two. But what city are you thinking about?
  4. Made by TRL or TLC or someone like that. I added the push bar from an unknown author, and the lightbar from lightbar_guy or canadiankid. Someone like that . I will be working on them next week in Zmod, so hopefully we'll have some in-game models.
  5. puppysboy222

    Newark Mod

    I touched up the front and back of Rescue 2. Except now NPD is having trouble with the models. She was my favorite Anyway, I am still working on that. E5 has the passenger side done, I beleive, and I will work on the front soon and rear soon. The CV is also almost done. Just needs some touch ups here and there. What else? Oh yeah! The ATV hasn't been touched really since the last update from me. Been working on my NJ mod. Uhh...I think thats it. Just working on a seperate script. After its done, I might be able to do something. Today and the rest of the week is kinda cramped for me. Next week may be better, so stay tuned!
  6. Yes. You can also use 3D Max or Google Sketchup. Be careful, though! If you don't want to spend $400, then you might want to find someone that can convert .skp files to .3ds or any of the other files zmod can read.
  7. Updates! Patrol Car 1 Patrol Car 2 Slicktop Patrol Car I edited and put on the push bar and lightbars. Patrol Car 2 needs a different lightbar, but its rigged so you can't reskin it. I am waiting for the author to respond to see if I can use it. The ambulance is 99% done: The lights just need a bit of editing in Zmod. The Tiller cab is taking a while, and just to let everyone know, Squad 10-9 has ALOT of polygons...Comments would be great! EDIT: I forgot! The model without lights and push bar is by TLC. Also, the website is up. I know I messed up so the site says its puppiesboy222.webs.com. My mistake!
  8. Nope. Me and NPD just figured out they are Whelen Edges, and the truck on the top left is a Whelen Freedom. You still guessed Whelen, so you can still test if ya want.
  9. I need some help with a lightbar. What type is this? Whoever says it first gets to be a tester and gets updates on what I'm doing before I post it. So, post the number then the type (1. Lightbar 2. Lightbar, etc.). Thanks! I needed to know because I am working on a Crown Victoria by TRL. The push bar came off of a Charger that will not be used. Its not done so I will not show a pic. Grenloach's main station's front is almost done. 10% done.
  10. I do, too! It used to be a REALLY detailed unit. I spent more time deleting stuff then adding I didn't take ALL the credit. Like I said, the Utility was a Rescue Pumper, highly detailed. I cannot remember the authors name...And as for Squad 10-9, the author said that anyone can use it as lng as they give some credit. I did, sort of...But you're right. Both models were detailed inside and out. I just deleted all of those details inside and made small modifications. And I am working on the main station right now. 0.1% done (scaled it). I have learned how to use Zmod, so I will be making most of the buildings or models unless someone else wants to help. Thanks for the commets! Lol!
  11. Update! Utility 1027 Utility 1027 is a 2001 Saulsbury Utility Vehicle. It has the following complement of equipment on board: 5 - Scott 4.5 Air-paks 6 - 1 Hour Spare Bottles 8 - 30 Minute Spare Bottles 4 - Water Fire Extinguishers 1 - Class A&C Fire Extinguisher 1 - Class A,B,C Fire Extinguisher 2 - Long Boards 1 - Stokes Basket 1 - EMT Jump Bag 2 - Street Brooms 4 - Cans of Oil Dry Air Cascade System Light Tower 1 - Portable Generator 1 - Dewatering Pump 2 - Floor Runners 3'X10' 4 - Salvage Covers 12'X12' This was actually a rescue pumper until I came in and edited it It will have whatever the list says that the game can support, including a light tower. This will also be used as Utility 1017. Update: Squad 10-9 without skin. This was close to Hoppahs ALS Ambulance, but the I change the lights arounf. I also made the thingy that holds up the lightbar. It is about 90% done. Its a BLS A,bulance, so that means that you will only get BLS Ambulances in the game . Update! Station 10-1 Sub Station
  12. puppysboy222

    Newark Mod

    Hey man! Very very nice! Love the new trucks, and the Updated UEMS Rescue looks awsome! You make 'em? And sorry I havn't been able to skin. Been busy, but I should be able to do some soon. Love it, and cannot wait for the release!
  13. And it sounds like you can help I will work on the station soon. Please don't ask when, though. My date may be a few weeks/months off
  14. Mine: Shine Your light; 9/11 tribute (Dad went to Travis AFB that day. Said black smoke made it impossible to see on the way.. Time: 6:66 AM)
  15. Forgot I posted this! I need to PM you, hunter...
  16. Just found that out accidently!
  17. Sweet! Looks great, dude (well, actually good job carmen and Voodoo and Hoppah)!
  18. What do we do in this post?
  19. Sweet! Well, I tried to get in the Blue Angels but the emails weren't valid. What I'm thinking of is making a deminstratin team and go to random multiplayer rooms and do our thing...Anyway, sorry about hijaking your thread. One last thing: FSX or FS9?
  20. I always wanted t knw hw t turn n the lights. Des anyne knw hw t d that? I mean like, the flashing lights, r stribe light, and all that? 00ps! My o key wont work unless I slam it down.
  21. Hey. Sorry to go off topic, but how good are you guys at FS?
  22. I would scrap all my mods (except for the CA mod) just to help for that!
  23. Modding and Mod Help ==> Tutorials ==> Adding Vehicles By Hoppah
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