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Everything posted by njboy13

  1. Okay, I was just wondering what every town did for it. For example: In my town, cadets are never allowed on the apparatus, ( I don't know why, I'm guessing for insurance reasons), but they do get educated about fire and techniques, and also learn to use the fire hydrant, how to connect a hose to the hydrant, and the also get to participate and department drills, and drills at the academy. So I guess some towns really get cadets involved, and others [like mine] just educate you about fire, fire department, and some of the basic firefighting knowledge.
  2. I'll be there hero of the day and get this topic started again! haha, just kidding, I'm not that pompous. anyway... I like the sound Ford Crown Victoria Engines make when they are accelerating. Nothing beats the sound of that
  3. You know, I think I honestly know what town that is. According to my police officer friends in the town I'm thinking of, you get assigned to that if you do something bad. The segway is your punishment. I know I would be embarrassed if I had to be on that. Edit: Never mind, that's not the town I'm thinking of. The town I'm thinking of has a slightly different color uniform. But still, pretty embarrassing.
  4. sounds fun, i reslly need to get SA for PC
  5. So far I haven't heard anymore about what happened last night, I've been watching the news and going on nj.com but haven't found anything. When/if something comes up, I'll keep you guys updated.
  6. Well, I believe this is supposed to be more of a simulation, not a game.
  7. Just a few hours ago, I watched the Hannah Montana Movie... I'm not going to lie, it was kinda funny at some parts.
  8. I'm not sure, I think they probably can pretty easily be converted, but I'm not sure.
  9. That would be good, I think that is what a lot of law enforcement agencies are using now.
  10. Keep checking back, ill edit my post as more stuff comes in. Edit: police found the girl, but they switched to a channel my scanner can't pick up. But at least we know she is safe now.
  11. Yes you could, we will be using both helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft.
  12. OKAY, I am not involved with this, Im just hearing this on my scanner, but it's starting to sound scary: All i'm hearing is, town police and state police both on the same 911 line, it's just open on the phone, nobody talking, but the state police adivse that on the line they are hearing screams for help, footsteps, like shes being chased, and they hear banging on a door. Edit: the banging has stops, but the running footsteps are continuing. edit: footsteps are continuing, but they now hear an accelerating car engine in the background besides the footsteps Edit: Police found the girl, they switched to a channel I can't pick up on my scanner.
  13. Yeah, and that's not even LASD, that's LAPD
  14. Okay, I'm having trouble thinking of a name for this, so you guys throw in suggestions, and to be fair I'll make a poll. You can put in your suggestions until December 20, 2009. Here are some tips when thinking of it: -Emergency Operations -Mainly in North America (United States, Canada, some of Mexico) (Once we get more members, maybe we will expand to Europe)
  15. It is against the VATSIM rules to simulate hi-jacking and any other terrorism. We will just do everyday emergencies. like Medevac, fire patrol in high-fire risk areas, after there is a real-world hurricane In or near North America, we may do virtual support missions, bringing virtual supplies down there. This is what I have for the fleet so far: -Bell 206 Jet ranger (included in FSX/FS9)- Police, EMS -Cessna 172 (Included in FSX/FS9)- Fire -Learjet 45 (Included in FSX/FS9)- EMS -Lockheed C-130 (Download) Fire, Support More info will be added soon.
  16. Yeah, all is well, the dispatcher took down the wrong address, the dispatcher accidentally added an extra '1' in the dispatch. Anyway, just a dog bite to the hand, victim walked to the ambulance with their own strength, really no need for transport to the hospital, but the victim requested to go, so we went code-2.
  17. This should be interesting... We're getting called to my address for a dog bite.
  18. We had 4 Motor Vehicle Accidents today, all thanks to the ice, freezing rain, and more ice.
  19. Engine 1, Rescue 1, EMS 2 Car vs. Tree, police reporting a fluid is leaking from the underside of the car.
  20. That looks nice, so there is a free version, and a pay version? Edit: Never mind, found the answer. Also Tim, as a suggestion if you have not already done it: Will you be able to have a session where random calls come up, but will there be a second session included where it is custom call taking? Like if I wanted to use it while playing Emergency or listening to my scanner, and a call comes up for a stroke, would you be able to put that in? I guess I'm kind of thinking of a Call Log type of thing, but be able to add and list units.
  21. I don't need to create one, the divisions are just what part of the world you are in. Example: If you're in the New York area, you join ZNY If you are in the Los Angeles Area, you choose ZLA So just click on what country you're in, then on the list of airports or ARTCCs, just choose whichever city/major airport is closest to you.
  22. Okay, you can start by getting a Vatsim ID here: http://www.vatsim.net/ But we will not be able to do real car chases, only aviation is allowed on the Vatsim Servers. I'll start workign more in-depth on this. and yes, it will all be emergency related.
  23. What I mean is having all air operations. You can download freeware planes from websites like Fligthsim.com and Avsim.com. We can get Coast Guard helicopters, a fire plane, all of that can either be purchased or downloaded.
  24. This is just an idea, in fact I have barely made any plans about it, but First, I want you to answer a few questions. -Does anybody here play Microsoft Flight Simulator? It can be FSX or FS2004 (FS9) -Does anybody have an internet connection and be able to fly online? Now the final question..... Would any Flight Simulator users be interested in a Rescue type group? -My idea is to have a Rescue group. We will do rescue operations including police chases on highways, wildfire extinguishing, Helicopter Medevac and more. -I've decided if I go through with this idea, it will be on the VATSIM Network, you can make a free account and fly online with Air Traffic Control. -I have spent hours looking over policies, rules, and SOPs (Standard Operating Procedure) and they will allow Rescue operations like the one I listed. What do you think? Would you be interested? Would you join?
  25. Is anybody here a junior firefighter/fire cadet (Whatever your department calls them) If so, what do they do? I know that you're only 16 so they obviously can't send you into burning buildings, so what do you do when you are out on a call?
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