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Everything posted by Blkasp

  1. Loving the Renault Traffic CRS. Keep up the great work
  2. Looks really great - I will definitly be downloading this! PS: Great work on the taser! Amazing! From across the ditch (NZ)
  3. And for those that are visually inclined: 1. Obtain Network ID and Password 2. Click 'Network' -> 'Join new Network', a box will pop up, enter ID and PW and click 'Join' 3. Hamachi will display a new network in the console. (In my case, IEMHamachi).
  4. Blkasp

    Clan IEM

    Okay I have signed up on the website, now I just need an admin to approve me. (?) I can confirm that I will be getting EM4 tomorrow.
  5. Forgive me if I am wrong (as I don't own the game yet but am browsing the forums for when I recieve it in the mail) but in the suggestions it has a space between " and -editor. Eg. You: "C:\Program Files (x86)\WizardWorks\911 - First Responders\Em4.exe"-editor Suggested: "C:\Program Files\WizardWorks\911 - First Responders\Em4.exe" -editor So try putting a space,"C:\Program Files (x86)\WizardWorks\911 - First Responders\Em4.exe"(space)-editor
  6. Blkasp

    Clan IEM

    Hi titan, I am going through the stages of purchasing EM4 right now (should be received in the next 2 days) and I love to play in co-operative games (it's just my thing), so joining a clan obviously stands out to me. I do have a mic, and I have Teamspeak, I also know how to join Hamachi servers. I was wondering, after I get use to the controls of EM4, would I be able to join the clan or be given a trail period? Also, is it possible for me to jump onto your TS server, and hear I.E.M. in action?
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