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Posts posted by Shadylasse

  1. I have read it, but I am not the mod creator... I am sure that they will solve this cuestion ;)

    Ah alright. I just thought you had close relations to the matter since you quoted Rihis' post.

  2. Hi! Some videos about real Madrid's emergency services:

    - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-_VZ4poBbc (Law enforcement)

    - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK8NzFoB1Ks (Fire Brigades)

    - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVnBK_aGkF8 (Emergency Medical Services)

    - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc5WIv_uNNs (Other services as forest service)

    Service which are in the videos:

    - Madrid City Fire Department (Included on the mod)

    - Madrid County and other small cities Fire Department.

    - Madrid City Police (Included on the mod)

    - National Police Corps of Spain (Included on the mod)

    - Civil Guard (spanish gendarmerie)

    - SAMUR-Protección Civil. Emergency Medical Service which belongs to Madrid City municipality. (Included on the mod)

    - SUMMA 112. Emergency Medical Service which belongs to Madrid County. (Included on the mod).

    - Spanish Red Cross.

    - Emergency Militar Unit.

    - Madrid County Forest Service.



    I think Rihis meant you need to mention the author of the lightbars since he made them and he stated it should be told on/beneath screenshots that he made them.

  3. True thing, however, in my oppinion; If you have a city like Odense with multiple accidents and a freeplay incident accour that hooligans have gone crazy, it would ruin the game expirience. It would be a good mission, no doubt. Following the soccer fans to the stadium like the VIP convoy in the LA mod, and the following them to the railway station, meanwhile incidents happen, major or minor. A match between the "Odense Boldklub" (Odense Soccer Team) and the "FCK" (Football Club Koebenhavn(Copenhagen))

  4. Sometimes the coroner too.

    But this is easy to fix with a new order.

    True thing it's easy to fix, but when you have a HAZMAT terror attack, a major car crash, a forest fire and homicide at once it's possible to forget that it has been sent, and therefore discover it's gone too :P

  5. it happened to me once during a tacsim... no biggie tho, any experienced skydiver will tell ya theres always a backup chute, actually specops guys pack 2 of em in case we need to parachute a 2nd time during an op.

    I like the concept of 2 emergency parachutes :). If the main parachute fails; use the secondary. If the secondary fails, use the third one.

    ..but what if the third one fails? :1046276372_bawling:

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