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Status Updates posted by JesseRossman

  1. HA GTA V comes out next year..cnt wait

  2. just got back from a MVA in Packer Twp....it sucked...no, i dont know the kids involved..but the fact that i go to school with them, and see them every day made me break...i will not quit the FD for what i seen today, but i will not forget it

  3. well..time to head for class

  4. redesigning the CF MACK Fire Apparatus...I plan to make a NFPA compliant version of the truck and see if its good enough to be built again...

    1. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      How do you do you make the truck NFPA compliant?

  5. bacon flavored popcorn...it stinks and it leaves a bad taste in your mouth...not recommended

    1. FDNYpower


      i know i don't like it i like butter popcorn

  6. ah..semi...i finally get to go...and its going to be pretty interesting..since colleen will be there with her date (im assuming she will)...so..im gonna guess that the night will end in a fist fight and me at the police station getting questioned why i decked him in the face...hopefully this dont happen..but it will if colleens date runs his mouth..

    1. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      I respect every word you just said sir lol

    2. Newfoundking


      If there was grammar, I would've respected it more ;)

  7. a working fire in Kidder Twp...i wonder wen there gonna start callen for more units

  8. well this sucks..i finnaly become friends with collen again and she just decided to unfriend me (im talking about real life..not fb)

  9. i guess im gonna go get my chores done :/

  10. wow.. Steve jobs died..hmm

  11. well..im going for a walk

  12. facebook broke on me

    1. aitor


      Again with facebook...

  13. off to go eat i guess....

  14. just came back from the Sate Fire Convention...it was great...got a new light for my gear...and i helped win the 3rd place trophy for our rescue...zack should get most of the credit tho, so dose dave...

  15. all i have to say is..if your going to the hill climb..see ya there...if your going to the homecoming dance...be smart...or me and a couple of friends will visit...so stay safe tomorrow...and dont do anything stupid.

  16. off to the hill climb parade i go

  17. well..i dnt see how this month could get any bussyer..i have a parade tomarrow, a race saterday and sunday, homecoming dance (which im not going to), fireworks, another parade next weekend, a fire expo next weekend, then i have blue mass

  18. well...its official...i hate high school

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedHawk504


      school is just like a forum, the principal = a administrator a teachter = a moderator and a student is a member

    3. chrisblaalid


      And we have the rebels, that don't get along with the "teachers" and the "principal". Meaning you RedHawk xD

    4. RedHawk504


      hmm, angry redhawk doesnt like teachers iz sent tem toh hell

  19. Ich will dir vertrauen,Ich will dich, mir zu vertrauen,i liebe dich Noch Immer,aber Sie wissen nicht,Sie hassen mich.

  20. well..this sux....berwick FD had 6 fires this weekend alone...and it happens everytime i come here....i guess im bad luck for berwick

  21. well...the first day of school was ok...it is very confuseing...um..my votech class is fun...and i only hav 4 high school classes for the day...the teachers dont seem too bad..yet my lunch comes at a bad time....

  22. well..this summer was one to remember...

  23. ok..who the hell just called me

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