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Everything posted by camhesse1

  1. Wow firefighter. You took it out of context lol. He wasn't saying that the trucks don't have the appropriate amount of lights, he was saying that the lighting is too much for a lot of people's computers and makes many of them lag, that's why a lot of mods aren't all out on the lights. Yes the number is "correct" its just too much for this game for a lot of people
  2. No you are fine. 1) There will be (2) chiefs on the map, and each chief will have in turn control over two stations, each having control over a total of 7-8 other vehicles separate from the chief. So most likely, for the first release anyways, there won't be any mutual aid off map, since you will basically already have two separate depts on the map. Since there will be 16 fire vehicles(14 if you don''t count the chiefs), very seldom will you need other help than that. 2) How I planned to make it is that (if) I can get a scripter, we will have it so that tankers and engines and such will run out of water, but can hook to hydrants in the town, but when they go to rural areas they have to rely on the tankers running back and forth between town and the fire scene. I don't want to say anything about drafting at this time, cause as far as I know, my own dept doesn't have that ability, and I don't know how script-able that is. 3) Not sure on ice water rescue, as that would involve having to have coldness on the map such as snow, and I don't know if I want to make it able to change or not, and I don't think I will have a train, but there will (most) likely be a freeway running through part of the map(hopefully I can map that road well). 4) I do plan on having a new tone as I myself don't really like that tone, nor that la tone anymore. Also, I plan on trying new things with sirens in the first release, where different vehicles will have different orders of sirens, so that it won't be like all of the vehicles responding to a scene would have the same siren going on such as the q, Some will be able to have q some will have yelp, hi lo, etc. There's my explanations in short, thanks for the questions.
  3. Actually he had said you have to delete original file so that's what a lot of people supposedly did... you weren't supposed to patch it lol but anyways. I really hope these newer problems get fixed again at some point.
  4. In Michigan how it works is that there is a sheriff department in every county( 1 of them usually) so they run the "county" things such as jail or whatnot. City police have the main jurisdiction in the city, which includes city limits, schools and such, while sheriffs dont have full authority in city limits, only outside of them. The MSP, or the blue geese(their nickname because of the look and color of their cars), run things like the sheriff but have more authority when things get taken out of town, such as say a car chase that ends up going in other counties, because msp is statewide, versus sheriff or city being only in that certain county. These type of things can be difficult to explain. But sheriffs in michigan unlike in this mod(which its different from state to state), are a department based in the county not in every city. So the sheriff department gets named for the county such as mason, emmet, or mackinac sheriff dept. Anyways back on topic... I'm really liking the pd cars in this mod
  5. HERES FIRST UPDATE IN A WHILE, MOST OF THE SHERIFF DEPARTMENT, minus the prisoner transport that he is working on.... not finished vehicles yet, still have to fix somethings. NVFD created both
  6. This would be cool, but there is a reason that basically no mod has them in the mod. Most people know that they use tasers, but its the scripting and the use in game and what they would do that makes it difficult to get in game. You would have to be a certain distance away for one, and all the scripting before it even can be shot, and also, the effects, how would you be able to make the "victim" of the taser be able to convulse and look like electricity is going through there body lol.... but yeah that would be cool, rather than having to injure them and take them to the hospital.
  7. Who is actually creating your map? as far as I know, I have been told a lot that it is very difficult to create a map from scratch, and I myself am looking for someone able to do it for my rural mod lol
  8. HD Mods is back finally, so we are getting all new models started, also I have a new skinner reworking pd... be watching for updates
  9. Where would that be? which state are you in?
  10. LOL DIVE... yes there was... the two patrol cars. Don't say it's not going anywhere, as I have already talked to you about this before. It's just on pause for the moment.
  11. So you think you will have this done in 4 months? Anyways... good luck... looks pretty interesting. EDIT, ALSO, back in post 33 you said something like "i managed to find a couple models", do you mean those are other people's models in sketchup, if so, you better ask for permission, you could get in trouble with it. Constructive criticism here Looking forward to this.
  12. You are fine Dartlak, I wasn't yelling or anything. Nor did I see the fine print DIVE.
  13. Uh, it may be legitimate, and I know you are new, but next time please post your things in the correct forum please, this is the emergency 4 mods forum, not the moddING forum Welcome
  14. Just saying they still have different levels of emt... theres 3 levels in most states if im not mistaken... 1st is EMT Basic, 2nd depends where you live(some call it specialist, which michigan does, emt advanced or emt intermediate) then of course 3rd is emt paramedic
  15. Yeup. still working on my own skinning before i try to make real skins rather than fictional ones. I'm also looking for another skinner so I can get work done faster. I will update you when I get a good amount done.
  16. Nope... That is all im gonna say
  17. I am looking at creating a first person Firefighter game. I would like to do it as there aren't very many things like it except for gta 4 and very few other games.... I am gonna say now it is kind of like rafael's ideas for a game, but I don't think he's going to be working on it anytime soon... I am just posting here now so I can see if anyone here knows of a good game creating engine that can do first person games... I will try to keep this updated if I get anywhere.... and I will take suggestions for the game as well.
  18. Ok. So, in our mod we have two designated hazmat stations on the map. Station 7 and station 6. Since foamers are mostly, and i mean MOSTLY, used for hazmat fires, that makes them paired to the hazmat. Blackout didnt want foamers in a different station than the hazmat companies... Understand? That also makes sense so we dont have to deal with naming the foamers at staiton 7 like foam 7 and foam 7-1 or something.
  19. ah ok... from what mod is it cause i really like it lol
  20. Is this a reskin cause it sure looks like another engine from another mod.... just wondering
  21. Well you are saying this is the only mod that is volunteer, well my red river rapids mod is going to be based off this type of script too... and if you say "you arent released yet" i jsut say back this one isnt yet either lol .... But a question for you guys.... if this is BMA's script have you been able to change it a little to have different amount of people respond if you click a couple of different dispatch buttons? (like if you can, i wonder if you could have one button that calls say 10 people to the station or another button calls 12, or 14 or whatnot....?)
  22. Just saying, thats not a new script if you got it from bma just saying.... Just saying this isnt the first.... lol
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