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Status Updates posted by NathanDollinger

  1. You for get how good having your hair cut feels untill you get a hair cut!

  2. Going to bed! And then to the doctor with ash in the moring!

  3. What a day, Class in the AM, Snow in the PM. With any luck ill be at lest a part time fireman some where by the end of the year * sigh *Stay Safet every one!

    1. met police999

      met police999

      your suppose to say fire fighter as theirs female fire fighters right?

    2. met police999

      met police999

      Still it's fire fighter as with the police it's police officer not police man or whatever

  4. Have i ever mentioned how much i love being a fireman!

  5. Duke Vs Carolina in 20 mins! Go Duke!

  6. Well bed befor 1am .... might as well!

  7. Just want to ask every one to keep my family in there prayers!

    1. Zach1019


      ok...for what exactly?

    2. titannub


      Is everything alright brother? You know we will be.

    3. kicks270


      Thoughts and Prayers from the members/officers of Squad 55, let us know if you need anything

  8. Well i think this onlie course will be great if i ever figure out what the heck is going on! Maybe more information will show up later this evening or tomorrow tell then i guess its on hold!

  9. Im ready for saturday to start class!

  10. So i should be done with my Firefighter 2 by June 1st Which will give me Wildland, EMT-B, Hazmat, and FFIIAlmost there!

  11. At some point eventually some way i will get hired in a position i will enjoy for the rest of my life! I just hope its soon.... *sigh*

  12. Well today has quite possible been one for the record books!

  13. Any FFII instructors teacing any classes ????

  14. Any one need and want to take PPE in Barnardsville on jan 24th 26th and 29th???? Looking to car pool!!!!!!!!

  15. So who thinks oboma can actually get the inauguration right this time?

  16. OMG Rains for 5 **** Days , then as soon as it gets cold enough to snow POOF no more moisture WT****AAAAAAA SO MAD!!!!

    1. Voodoo_Operator


      Climate change is a myth.

  17. I WANT SNOW!!! I wish it would start already!!!

    1. TacticalRooster22


      Me too, it's too cold here...we need snow, not just freezing weather.

  18. LET IT SNOW!!!!!! Absolutly loving the new forcast modles =D

  19. Not feeling well again today.... I think im going to need reinforcment to get over this crap.....

  20. Got to say happy birthday to a High School friend, We miss you Ashley

  21. Waiting on my family to wake up so we can run arons, Looks like a nice day!

  22. I really hope today is a good day, The start hasn't been so well to this point and iv'e only been up 30 mins yikes......

  23. So nice to have the house clean!


    1. CFDDIVE11


      hacked* your* you* jk

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