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Everything posted by rafaelmfernandez

  1. Good question.. Im not sure what weve decided with dyson but if we do missions they will be pretty simple due to scripting
  2. Ok so back to topic.... Where is the NY mod!? Haha jkjk anyways glad we arent fueding mods
  3. Bro heres an update, matter of fact for everyone Squad 18 done (replaces hazmat truck) New Rescue 1 model and texture 10 new buildings Elevated rail subway over some streets New scripts Engine 9 done We wont release pics or vids for a little bit. We want to finish most of the stuff so just hang in there
  4. Shadylasse just stop defending your mod If people dont want to wait and are just complaining let them. Im jelous cause I wanted to strive for your type of mod where everything was changed like ERS berlin and RTS mod but dyson wasnt up for that so we met in the middle. We have a completely custom map 5 or 6 six will be default em4 buildings but the rest are all new. I wish i had the patience you and your team have but I just dont. I know probably as soon as your mod is done people will probably throw the manhattan mod in the bucket and go for yours (I hope not we worked hard) but you deserve support for what your doing because my favorite part of a new game is first playing it and not knowing what to do first with all the new units and map. Good luck
  5. Umm I think the topic atm is complimenting the poster
  6. http://m.manhattan-mod.org/site/webs_80791897/home?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.manhattan-mod.org%2Fapps%2Fforums%2F&dm_package=1#0310
  7. Alright listen. If you are serious which you probaly arent about this. ( share ideas that would be awesome but something yall do not have the skill or resources for) no offense. Im sharing this. http://www.blender.org/ blender is a 3d modelling program and also a game engine. You can look at vids on youtube its pretty cool and should save you alot of time. Its possible but honestly offense I dont feel redhawk could do it without some serious help, time, skill, and motivation. Good luck and well see how it goes. Blender is your best bet.
  8. Yeah over the last few weeks me and dyson have had barely any time to work at the sametime because of our schedules. Im busy with school, band performances and homecoming. When I do get the chance to work we get alot done though. So the next two weeks or three me and dyson will be working mostly seperately, ill be working on new buildings, and finishing up some new trucks. If I need something from him normally I have to ask him overnight which wastes valuable time. If we both had the same schedule and time zones we would probably finish this in the next month.
  9. Hey, I dont mean to be "that guy". This is a great idea, I would like something like this for FFs. You have to face the reality of this though and that is that if you are really going to make this game it would take you and cops together probably 5 years to make a decent game. Not modelling or texturing etc but the programming, software structure, animations, scripting every single dynamic thing and its nowhere near easy. Ive had to come face to face with the dead end several times when it came to scripting. I reccomend you and cops stick with EM4 modding or start with modding and scripting games like the sims, gta, or even freaking club penguin. Just a bit of advice, unless you are willing to dedicate alot of time (months years (decades) jk) start with a vase game. Building from scratch is hard enough in em4.
  10. Hey, I dont mean to be "that guy". This is a great idea, I would like something like this for FFs. You have to face the reality of this though and that is that if you are really going to make this game it would take you and cops together probably 5 years to make a decent game. Not modelling or texturing etc but the programming, software structure, animations, scripting every single dynamic thing and its nowhere near easy. Ive had to come face to face with the dead end several times when it came to scripting. I reccomend you and cops stick with EM4 modding or start with modding and scripting games like the sims, gta, or even freaking club penguin. Just a bit of advice, unless you are willing to dedicate al
  11. Thanks for putting those tips out there man Most important for me is closing all outside programs. Slows everything down by alot if you dont
  12. Hey guys weve gotten 3 new trucks pretty much completed so be ready for those also working on some new scripts.
  13. Hey guys Im back for a bit progress continuess
  14. Hey guys I wont be able to work on the project till next monday. We left off full speed and were gonna come out full speed. If you have any questions do not pm me just email me. Rafaelmfernandez@yahoo.com
  15. Shouldnt the script end like this? vvvvvv yours ends with } } soundID = Audio::PlaySample3D("mod:Audio/FX/Sirens/airhorn.wav", VPos, false); } };
  16. Tell me if you want it more now? Welcome to Midtown NYC Skyscrapers soar hundreds of feet in the air Welcome to Times Square A busy busy part of the city On the otherside of town Tiller Ladder 6 and Engine 9 (spare) from chinatown get a call This Firehouse is static meaning its just decoration Oh yeah welcome Ladder 6 to the FDNY Its bring your kids to work day! I found this funny! HAHAHA As you can see the map is moving along quickly and efficiently!
  17. I use blender I feel it is the best once you learn to use it its my best friend I have a mac as well but I use bootcamp
  18. Yeah man if you dont have a team yet itll be pretty impossible to make a standalone if you dont have much scripting expirience and would take 10xs longer. I recommend if you want a quick result and have something to play keep it a submod if your willing to deal with the strenuous amount of time to start from scratch then go ahead you choose bro;)
  19. Right now me and B2bomber are trying to work out a manual siren script with the ability to cycle on manual example: #!also working on highrisepacks like the original NY Mod http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=highrisecgb5i13b.png Battalion now has the ability to look inside a building like a scout with the command post (blueprint of the building) so there lowering the risks of having to go inside and risk smoke and fire damage Some more is the two firefighters who redirect traffic when an apparatus is pulling out of the firehouse. There is many more
  20. Yeah check the web site in an hour were going to have pics of the final times square along with more new buildings
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