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Status Updates posted by shortkid808

  1. Can anyone help me with creating a Hawaii Mod/Submod? I'll gather the information that are needed. Thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. shortkid808


      I'm not involved in anything. It's my first week and someone is already argueing with me! Just forget about the Honolulu Mod/Submod...

    3. chrisblaalid


      Just forget about the ? WTH? Let the dude try to make one, everything can be learned. Even Hoppah startet out with a blank sheet ;) I wish him the best of luck ^^ STAND tall little man, dont let the haters get to you ;)

    4. shortkid808


      Thanks and I was sort of kidding about the "forgot about the mod" thing. Thanks for the encouragement btw! :)

  2. Why is it that most people think that it's weird for our HFD's (Honolulu Fire Department) Heavy Rescue Trucks tow small boats when they deploy. Not that I have a problem, I'm just curious and wondering why. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shortkid808


      @firefighter111: All I Know is that Fire Departments is Hawaii tow 22' boats.

      @erfd: Yeah, but what I'm trying to say is that many people from the mainland and foreign countries think that its weird for our Heavy Rescue trucks to have a 22' boat being towed around wherever they are dispatched or driven too.

    3. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      Plus, in rural america, its just that rural. Like firefighter111 said, we don't see usually see boats tugged along with trucks unless someone is drowning or something.

    4. shortkid808


      Well, I understand. Hawaii may be one of the states or islands that have a Heavy Rescue truck tow a boat on every route or dispatch. I guess its because we're more used to seeing boats being towed by HR Units.

  3. To all Emergency 4 Modders! Is there anyone willing to make a Honolulu Mod. I would be glad if anyone could. Please inform me if anyone can and is willing to do the job! Thanks!

    1. EmC-Unit


      Nobody will do mod for you,leard how to

    2. Voodoo_Operator
    3. shortkid808


      Kk, but can someone teach me how to make/create these type of mods?

  4. Honolulu's Fire Department and EMS are going to merge into one union. Is it a good idea? Like really? Is it?

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