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nick the greek

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Posts posted by nick the greek

  1. Very nice... I've been here since 2008 and this was my first 50% warning for saying something really bad about the ones who are ******** up people's lives. I shouldn't have posted it( In a way I knew it was going to cause flame. My bad.) but your responses were funny? Probably...

    You are a sick sick person and that's a horrible thing to say. Wow.

    I'm not sick. I'm just trying to be fair and realistic.

    +50% warning. This was very inappriopiate and just sad. I don't care if you are anti-USA, but you are not going to flame the topic with comments like this. You do NOT want to wish people dead. You are free to express your ideas and opinions here, but not this way.

    I'm not anti-USA and actually I don't want people to die. I'm not going to say anything else about Hoppah(not because he is a moderator but because I respect him in a way...)

    I agree with hoppah, that was inapropriate, i dont like America because they keep dropping there bombs on us in afghanistan, but you dont see me critisising them, sorry for going off topic

    I don't have any problems with bombing in these places. Talibans are just crazy people. And I support US troops when they are right.

  2. What region is she from? (Hope it's not Glasgow or you might have some communication problems lol :P)

    She is from Edibra(not sure about it's spelling :P) it will be the second time to meet her and I can't wait! I think her English are quite understandable although she has some "strange pronunciation moments"* :P

    *As far as I remember :P

    Complaint: Addicted to the :P emoticon

    2nd Complaint: I'm using many words and phrases from the English books(formal language) and this may be a bit annoying for normal UK people :P

  3. My class is good. We laugh and we do nice things. My friends are cool but there aren't any super girls :(. I know some but they date older guys and they are not at my school. I can't wait to go to the High School(the third of the schools you have to attend here) and be in the same class with fantastic girls. I would also love to finally socialize with the foreign tourists in a Greek island but I got no friends in there :( .

    Complaint: Due to warm weather I feel tired and I find many spiders next to my window :1046276372_bawling:

    Complaint: Spiders exist.

  4. Yes but by 2020 space travel will actually be practical. And we won't be in any pointless, wasteful, un-winnable wars (hopefully).

    It will be practical but who has a couple of million bucks for the tickets? :P

  5. "...In 2010 a base in Moon will be established by NASA..." read this six or five years ago. 2010 but haven't heard anything about a Moon base

    Reminds me "of people will have flying cars and robots in 2001". 2010 with no flying cars and robots

    drunk post
  6. I won't let world end in 2012. Spending 11 years in school and just before the end of it the world ends. NO WAY. Stupid Aztecs Incas or whatever they were ran out of paper or ink and stopped counting the days and ages.

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